Collage is about Self-Discovery

Collage is part of a perpetual voyage of self-discovery and refinement – an intellectual grand tour through philosophies and civilizations… distilled in the “tearingness” of original edges.
Robert Motherwell

Fresh Collages 2014

My collage voyage continues with a fresh start this year, and lots of inspiration to explore new possibilities. It’s a few months after my big project of making 365 collages last year, and I am finally finding my way back to collage. I have started digging through boxes of pretty papers, thinking about collages and gluing things down on my usual square substrate.

Here are the first four collages that I have made this year.

Four new collages by iHanna of - April 2014 #collage

Lots of yellow, and hand painted papers. Yum! Let me know what you think.

As I have written about before, a year long challenge is one of the best ways to grow as an artist, and as a human being. I love the push, the energy and the momentum that it builds. But I also believe in taking a break after a big challenge like that, to create work in other areas, reading more books or planning for future ideas. But man, right now it also feels great to say Hello to my old love, collage.

Hello collage, I love you!

8 Responses

  1. How wonderful to take a break, and then the lovely process of re-discovery. Looking at everything with fresh eyes. Beautiful work, Hanna.

  2. I love the collage with the bird. It sings “spring” with all the lush greens. And the bird looks like she’s posing just for you.

  3. These are so happy and pretty! I completely understand where you’re coming from with the need to take a break and let ideas simmer … but I’m glad you’re back to collaging since I draw so much inspiration from your style in this medium!

  4. i am so happy you’re back to collage because all of your collages are inspiring. since i started following your blog i can’t stop collaging myself.
    i was even asked to write a tutoriel for the french group, and lots of my articles on my blog are of collages. thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I ADORE your colorful collages! lots of texture & color…wonderful choices of images! thanks for stopping by to comment on my blog too! ♥

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