Art Journal Peek: Blue Tulips

Wanna take a peek into my art journal? I don’t mind opening it up for you guys.

Detail: Blue tulips
Detail: Night Owl

Tulips, dots, an owl drawing, watercolored. It’s night time, as you can see. The owl that lives on this page is just waking up… A page with a lot of different elements added in at different times. The last piece I added, after the pink dots, was these bold flowers:

Detail: Blue tulips from the side
Blue tulips!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen blue tulips, but I know they exist. And all tulips remind me of spring, something I needed today because it’s been raining for two days. :-) Do you let the weather work it’s way into your journal?

Here’s the entire spread:

Art Journal Spread: Owl and blue tulips

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12 Responses

    • Thanks Chris, it’s a very blue/dark page, isn’t it? But not all things can be bright pink, even though I sneaked in neon pink dots in the end… Hihi.

  1. Those pages just make me smile. You know what I love about your art? It’s always so happy–filled with joy & it always makes me want to make more art :-) Thank You!!!

    • It makes me very happy to know that my art portrais the happiness it gives me. Thanks for letting me know Marge! And keep creating!

    • Tulips are almost unreal, but still beautiful in their almost plastic majesty. I don’t think there is an “other folder” for a page on FB, so yes, I read it and then totally forgot about it! Thanks for the reminder, the answer is yes!

    • Thanks for your comment Susan Carol, owls always have a lot on their mind, don’t they? At least in my mind they do… ;-)

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