Collage | A Whole New World
I’m back to square one… and it’s where I love being! Haha, what I’m talking about is a blank square canvas for my collage work. A cut square in paper that I can fill with just anything I want. I love that kind of square one!
Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties.
Gail Sheehy

I’ve gone from square bits in a grid to a square collage again – but this time featuring random bits of paper. I find it interesting how random paper can come together and create a whole new world – a world I would love to walk into and be swallowed by.
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Lovely – I always enjoy seeing your collages! I especially love the image on the right side of the three girls wearing bonnets – so sweet!
I haven’t been creative myself much over the past weeks (teaching others and ‘private stuff’ kept me out of my atelier) and this weekend is my first free time… I feel a bit rusty and uncomfortably getting back but your post gave me inspiration: making collages to get back in the groove might be just the thing I need. Thanks for the inspiration Hanna! Have a lovely weekend!
Your collages are always awesome Hannah. Love ’em! :)
I see joy and happiness in this square! Just lovely, Hannah!
hurray a nex Hannah collage! I love your collage style so much!
a new!!!! a new collage….. slip of the finger on the keyboard sorry
So bright and pretty, Hannah, it sings happiness.