Art is my healthiest habit

Collage 23: Trust this
“Trust this” art collage by iHanna. Day 23 of Art Every Day month November 2010.

Todays card with layers of this and that, mostly beige tissue paper, lots of tissue paper. Even painted tissue paper from before. I always use a glue stick, except when I glue thin papers like these, then I use matte medium of some sort and spread it out with a paint brush. It keeps the bubbles out and the papers from tearing.

The latest cards, day 14-23 shown here:

Art Every Day Month 2010

I miss my art journal a lot, but between trying to have a social life, making next issue of the embroidery magazine and working some I have only had very little time to sit in the studio corner. Though I am up to date with the Art Every Day for a Month project, and that feels good too.

Collage 22: Plan ahead
Plan ahead.

Collage 21: Garden patches
Garden patch.

Collage 20: Rain of thought
Train of thought.

Collage 19: Confused

Collage 18: Serendipity

Collage 17: Elisabet's sister
Elisabeth’s sister.

Collage 16: A  few habits of nutrition
A few habits of nutrition.

Collage 15: Breathing map
Breathing map.

Collage 14: Soothing

The serendipity of my collages always surprise me, but even though I never plan ahead I am almost always happy with the outcome. I loose myself, my train of thought derails but I am not confused. I am calm. It is soothing to make art, it feels like nutrition to the soul, it creates a map of my breath movements. :-)

All collages available for purchase. Let me know if you are interested in framing one of these beauties in your home. Each square collage area measures 13?13 centimeters (5?5″). It will fit perfect in a Ribba frame from IKEA. Also check out my Etsy Shop and the project Art Every Day participants!

15 Responses

  1. Hej Hanna!
    Du ?r som jag – en f?rg ?lskande kollage kreatrix! Kul att jag hittade dig och h?r kommer jag f? stanna ett bra tag f?r du har hur mycket som helst att bjuda p?. Har precis kommit ut ur den kreativa garderoben och famlar i ljuset av efter alla ?r i skuggan men trots att jag vinglar lite g?r jag det med ett barns gl?dje och nyfikenhet.
    Skapandet ?r sj?lva vitsen. Processen lugnar, helar och lyfter. Resultatet ?r en bieffekt. Livet ?r en KONST! V?r story. P? ?terseende D=

  2. Tack Charlotte, f?r fina ord och din kommentar s? att jag nu hittar till dig! Underbart att du b?rjat skapa, det ser h?rligt ut redan p? din blogg, det det blir bara b?ttre/roligare/mer givande ju mer man l?r och ju ?ldre man blir! :-) P? ?terseende hoppas jag!

  3. Thanks! Corvus, I thought you had such habit? And its a kidney? Are you kidding, I was thinking it was a lunge… hehe, that is why I named it Breathing map! Hilarious.

  4. In “trust this” it’s beautiful the way the handwriting is juxtaposed with the large block letters over on the left:)

  5. Thanks! Herm, the collaged size is 13?13 centimeters (5?5″).

    Bobbi, thanks for noticing those details. Makes me giddy.

  6. these are positively beautiful!!! i so enjoyed the titles that went with each piece; sometimes words can distract from the visual but these captions only enhance your work.

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