365 Collages | Week 2 | All in Printable Colors

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.

― Allen Klein
Let's be creative in 2018 together and do 365 somethings (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

I made more collages. These are made out of some of the most printable colors you can imagine. They’re the CMYK colors that you use when you’re designing for print. Printable colors, that is. Defined by wiki:

The CMYK color model (process color, four color) is a subtractive color model, used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black).

I don’t know too much about CMYK, and rarely use it because where I used to print the magazine I edit, the did the CMYK:ing for me. But I love the color combination, don’t you? I mean that dark turquoise and one of my favorite dark pink (named magenta), that is nowhere near red. So yummy!

Week two of the year, and January is passing me by too quickly. But I did finish seven more collages for my project, so all is good in the world. I hope you got some time in for your creativity too?

Collages in CMYK Printable Colors

365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 8 cmyk (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
1. CMYK color no 8 – Collage made by iHanna, 2018.
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 9 cmyk (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
2. CMYK color no 9 – art collage by iHanna, 2018
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 10 cmyk (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
3. CMYK color no 10 – Collage made by iHanna
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 11 cmyk (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
4. CMYK color no 11 – Collage made by iHanna
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 12 cmyk #collage printable colors #365somethings2018 (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
5. CMYK color no 12 – Collage made by iHanna, 2018.
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 13 CMYK Printable colors (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
6. CMYK color no 13 – Collage made by iHanna, 2018.
365 Collages in 2018 by iHanna - no 14 CMYK Printable Colors (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
7. CMYK color no 14 – Collage made by iHanna

The collages this week are kind of similar, but I like that. I don’t think they’re too similar. Not the same, just related and in a series of 7 happy colorful babies.

I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.

― Joan Miro

Pin it! If you like my collages and the project 365 Somethings 2018, please consider pinning this image to one of your Pinterest boards:

365 Collages in 2018 | Week 2 by iHanna aka Hanna Andersson #365somethings2018 #collage #cmyk
Pin this image.

This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna | Other Participants and Resources.

Follow the growing Pinterest Board 365 Somethings to see what the other’s are creating and sharing there each week, and the hashtag is #365somethings2018

Please tell me below in the comment section which of my collages you like best – and why.

Thanks for joining me and my fellow creators on this year’s big creative journey! Feel free to also check out 365 collages week 2 from back when I did a similar project in 2013.

365 collages in 2018 | Previously: Week 1 | Next up: Week 3

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5 Responses

  1. No. 12 reminds me of a record album cover and that makes me smile this morning. I love music! So glad you made time to create and experiment with these fun colors. It’s neat studying your variations on a theme. Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. My favorite is #13, maybe because the yellow is so bright, and I like the the turquoise and orange accents. I like 10 & 11 too, but the color bar wants too much attention & distracts a bit. I like the papers you’ve painted and the black dots. Very Pop! Miro would approve, I think.

  3. Loving your collages Hanna! Thanks again for this fun project. I like the use of the black dots too – they make the other colours sing! Xx

  4. I like #2 and #4 the most, I guess it has to do with the text and the bright painted piece of paper working together so well. I love the CMYK-idea!