Darn Knitting

And I mean darn as in förbaskat! All my WIP knitting projects are making me sad/mad when I think about them. They are small catastrophe because I don’t have enough skills for them. I’m going to knitting class tonight, and hopefully I will get some advice and get my hopes up again there!

Cross your fingers folks!

Here are some great gifts I received this weekend, even though I don’t have a “secret friend” that so many bloggers brag about, I have a great crafty family as you can see:

The pink bracelet is crocheted by my little brother, age 12! Isn’t he the cool one? Have to tell him about Kaj and Sverre (and we can make their cap) and maybe someday he will have his own company (like Kask!) Or with his sister?

The other shimmering bracelet is made by my mother – out of screw nuts! Isn’t that cool? Here is a close up for ya’ all who want to try it out:

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