WordPress Update Strayhorn

Svensk Damtidning - royal extra!

Skogens ättika vintage Swedish adI’ve updated this blog, il Bloggo, with Word Press update, the latest one called and Wuhan’s theme on top of that. I’ll change colours and header and all that later on.

Blue, my gosh. It’s not suppose to be looking like this, the blog that is! And where do all the pictures go when I click on category or month? Argh! I guess there must be something in the code? Help, I need my coder Man to come home. I had lots of pictures to post, but now I don’t have the time. If you like vintage ads from old magazines, you should check out the ads in Svensk Damtiding 1947, loads of fun. I took some photos in one of the magazines I got this weekend and posted them to my account on flickr.com. Enjoy!

Do you ever use the calender to the right on this page? I’m thinking of removing it from the sidebar.

Now I need to clean this house up. My grandmother is coming for her first visit!

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