Eye Candy: Decorated Envelope

Envelope by Tammy

One single message from a real person in my mail box makes my day. And if its a decorated, rainbow-coloured envelope stuffed with goodies? It feels like a precious gift. Someone took the time to paint, write, doodle, tape, sew and decorate a special envelope full of little gifts – just for me? Amazingly fun indeed!

Envelope to Sweden!

This envelope is decorated by Tammy of DaisyYellow. In it was the List Journal for our swap, that we now are filling with lists and posting each Saturday. All Eye candy + inspiration!

Envelope details
For Hanna Andersson

Do you take time to decorate your envelopes like this? I want to, but often I’m sending things off in the last minute and in a hurry…

Will share more of the content in another post.

4 Responses

  1. So the next envelope you receive is not decorated, because I was in such a rush to get it to the post office, now I wish I would have taken an extra moment!!!

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