How time flyes and kids grow up

Contrasts – they show up with time to me. It was a thought I already had on my mind… This photo still makes me laugh:

Me and my brother hight difference

It’s me and my brother.

Can you believe it? I used to change diapers on him, now in a week he will turn 14 and he has grown a head taller than me in just the past year! His voice sounds funny, crackling, and my hair is getting gray strokes.

The contrasts in our length tells me a lot about time, life, and change. He is older and wiser, I’m older and now the shortest person in my family! Time passes so quickly. Time doesn’t wait for no one. And all of that.

I find it amazing how time flies. No matter how much I try to pay attention, I am stunned at how fast life passes…

When I was three years old I had braids. On the day I turned thirty I braided my hair, and sat in the sun. I’m older, bigger, fatter – and my hair is thicker. It’s a bit darker, but you can also spot an occasional gray hair at the top of my head.

Do time change us, or do we change with time?

I like pink just as much as I did when I was seven. I’m dreaming of a house with golden frames on the walls, just like I did as a kid… The only difference might be that I now have a collection of these huge golden frames in storage – waiting for a house to come along. Have I changed? Yes of course I have, I’m thirty now and so much more of everything. I’m grown up on the outside. When will the inside feel enough? I know what I want with my life. Some days I know what I want and need. What my goals are. Sometimes I feel lost.

This post is not about my studio, but still… These past years is what made me into what I am now, my age has taken me here. I’m here right now. In stillness, waiting for changes and big things. Please wish me luck for tomorrow is the big day! I think I will braid my hair for the Design Market, just for fun. :-)

I wonder what I did think about in that picture, when I had braids and only was three years old? These are my thoughts of today.

This post is part of the Studio Friday theme: Contrasts.

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11 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts… I think we all have our moments like these :)))
    Good luck tomorrow with the market!!

  2. Precious photo! I am having the same sensation here. Time does go to quickly. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, now I see. I just made a comment on this photo at Flickr, wondering if it was the same – or two different girls… and now you tell me: it?s both!

    Wish you luck with the marked. Can?t hardly wait to hear how it is!

  4. Hanna ! what shall I say! I am new to your blog and i am just amazed at what you do and what you write.
    I am an architect from Kuwait . I went to school in the United States of America . I live in Kuwait now for 2 years. I always wanted to establish my own business in creating crafts and art work and Architectural Interiors. I work in the morning at a very boring , yet good pay-job.
    i dont know how to start this business/art/craft/boutique.. ! . to be honest with you .. I have no time. !!
    Hanna where do you get the time to do crafts and write and stuff?

    Hanna You inspire me !

  5. I can so relate to the way you feel and for myself I know where it comes from and I know that I can’t change it ever and nothing will.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you ! Wear your braids tomorrow as crossed for good luck! ;-)

  6. This is a great response to this topic! It’s interesting how we change and aren’t always aware of it until we look back. And interesting, too, that some things remain the same throughout all the changes. Thank you for sharing this!