Traditional pot-holders and wild what if’s

Smilla Pot-Holders

I’ve sewn a pair of pot-holders with the cutest kitten print ever! We had just this little piece off this fabric and I wanted to give it maximum exposure and not cut any part of the fabric away. That’s why I decided to make a pair of cuteness pot-holders and tribute them to my cutie-pie kitten Smilla, who will be four years old tomorrow!

I ♥ you Smilla!

Smilla Pot-Holders

I’ve been wanting to sew since the summer but haven’t got around to do it until now. I still have several small projects in my head that has to do with fabric and the sewing machine still. I want to create a bed pillow, a artsy apron and some other little things. But the pot-holders are a small start that I enjoyed putting together.

Smilla Pot-Holders

I get goosebumps all over when I view and read about the What if…-project over at Jude’s blog Spirit Cloth and I understand that that’s something I should be doing. Everything she creates has a beautiful raw feeling to it, like art made out of fabric. It’s art but to me it’s more mysterious than painting or sketching. Combining thread, fabric and patterns together into something unique and “your own” is difficult and very cool. It takes much more effort and planning, and I’m not there yet even though I actually have sold one of my two Art Quilts which I’m thrilled about!!! The one I call Summer Playtime with Red Flower is still left in the shop though… :-)

Visit the What if right now if you haven’t already. Maybe you like the “wild artsy” play more than the traditional of pot-holders and pillow cases? Do you want to sew straight edges or do you want to do freeform embroidery? I like both, but in different ways. The straight is calming and interesting, the free-form and artsy makes my heart beat faster… How about you?

Smilla Pot-Holders

I was also very inspired last week by ZNE Circa Arte’s Podcast that had a great interview with artist Ruth Rae about her jewelry, her books and her cloth art!

Now I’m to tired to think so I’m going to bed early. Take care and I hope you will sew something this week, I think I will…

11 Responses

  1. The ribbons are great! And the complete look of the potholder is so sweet and you’re right you’ve found the way to keep the fabric the most important thing in the project!

  2. Happy Birthday Smilla! I love the potholders. The fabric is so cute & it really does look like her.

  3. Smilla says thank you for your comments.

    hi yourself. I learned to sew in school and then by trial and error. Good luck!

    glad you visited! Love your blogs!

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