Shabby chic rose fabric
Last week I bought the latest issue of Sköna hem, I who rarely or never buy magazines. Never can read, just scroll. But this time it’s perfectly fine to just browse and look – I bought it for the pictures. It’s my new interest, looking at homes, things, decor. And everything here was so pink! I couldn’t resist the cover.
I don’t understand why I always imagined that I would grow out of my taste? Why can’t you as an adult just indulge in baby pink, floral, romantic? Is it childish to like Hello Kitty and other cartoon characters? Or aren’t those who wrinkle their nose really childish? Everyone must be allowed to have their own taste and then seek their own style?
^ Maybe you don’t have to be as intense as this girl, Melissa Nestle in Australia. The style is even called “shabby chic” – ugh! P gets chills from it, but I’m dangerously fascinated. I would definitely not prime in shock pink, but pink details… Oh yes baby!
^ And squiggly, floral, striped and white – it can be very nice, although I can imagine that you get tired quite quickly. My Favorite home decor book is Stylish and Romantic by Atlanta Bartlett! Super nice white with pink details. Recommended!
Most of the magazine is expensive buy-me items that only mangle consumption needs to poor, unsuspecting paupers like me, who can really only afford the magazine they’re holding…
In the picture at the bottom of this last spread, you can see a floral pillow in the fabric Au nom de la rose which, according to the article, costs SEK 920/meter. Of course I knew that fabric can be expensive… But what the hell?!
I found MY own rose fabric
So guess if I was happy when, after P finished work yesterday, we took a turn to Myrorna where I found a piece of fabric, 5 meters, in roughly the same style! It only cost SEK 125 for all 5 meters. Wondering what to do with it now then…
Me like! Just no curtains, said P.
This post was originally in Swedish but has since been translated.
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Gud vilket underbart vackert tyg, till ett underbart bra pris. Jag skulle föreslå några stora fina mjuka kuddar att ha i den gråa soffan, som du gärna kryper upp i, eller varför inte ett mystäcke med ett annat tyg på baksidan. Bra fyndat Hanna, jag tror du går i mammas fotspår i alla fall.
Bummel, rosa rockar! Och, lite grodor och Hello Kitty på kudden gör varje pojkvän glad!
H?vdar best?mt att man f?r gilla rosa, fluff och gulliga figurer trots att man ska r?knas som vuxen. Gillade det inte som barn, men nu! Det finns ingen b?ttre f?rg, och n?stan allt jag k?per har rosam?nster eller fluff eller gulliga figurer. Och Hello Kitty ?r s?t…..
jag skulle s?ga att shabby chic handlar v?l inte om rosa v?ggar, utan mer om en lantlig, feminin stil, lite slitet. man kan ju inte bli annat ?n k?r! :P