Wall Paper Collages (from 1879)

A whole lot of vintage wall paper collage photos in a mumble-jumble together in many layers, as I found them on a wall and captured it with my camera. Enjoy.

Vintage Wallpaper Wall Collage - photo by iHanna, Copyright Hanna Andersson

This cottage is for sale, and could be mine – if I had the money for it plus a piece of land that we could put it on… I kind of liked the cute look of it, but when I went inside I fell in love with the walls.

No floor cabin in Sweden - photographed by Hanna Andersson @ihanna

This cabins has only minor flaws. Like that it had floors that was a bit flawed – all so that the garden flowers could grow indoors. I kind of like it. Also, it has no isolation, no heating, no water, no nothing from the modern world except wallpapers (in some places).

I think that the last person that lived here left long ago… maybe 1965? And no interior designer has taken on the task to “spiff it up” yet. I wonder what the Swedish interior decoration program Äntligen hemma could do for this cute cottage? Where is Martin when you need him?

The walls were beautiful, almost like times own collages:

From the outside this little Swedish cabin looks rather robust, and I hope it will find new owners that can lovingly take care of it, but for me, I’m happy just to have photographed all the wall paper collage loveliness inside for now.

Fun fact: out of 2 GB (!) I have filled 97 % at my flickr pro account this month. That is a lot of photos, I tell ya!

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13 Responses

  1. Oh! This is so beautiful and special! I would want this cottage too!

    Thanks so much for sharing it. Those wallpapers are a treasure :)

  2. That?s one of the reasons I love Sweden: these little red, wodden houses! Wish it was mine! Can?t you recommend me a teacher?s job so I will consider emigrating – and finding me such a house where I can live an artistic Findus- &- Peddersen-crazy- but- poetic- style- of -life

  3. Okay…I just literally gasped when I saw these walls!!! What inspiration! So TOTALLY just like collages and with the wood grain behind it? Just breathtaking. I even keep going back to look at them while I’m in the middle of typing this!! :-) Thank you for sharing Hanna!!!!

  4. I’m going to the Flickr and see if you have more cabin photos. We have a small red stuga but not as rustic as this! This is really beautiful!

  5. wow!! i am loving these photos soooo much!! most of the furniture in our house is from reclaimed wood that probably came from buildings like this one. there is so much history there!! i love to just ponder what kind of lives past inhabitors had there…i especially love the photo of the wall that was first covered with news print, then twice covered with decorative wall paper…thank you for sharing these!!!

  6. Hello my name is Julia and i’m from Holland. Compliments for your blog :) I really like it! About the wallpaper>Beautiful!! > It reminds me of the brochures from the fashion label Noa Noa . They are from Denmark and I think you should love that label :)

  7. my first visit to your site and I have fallen in love with these walls…….don’t think that they would be quite right in my house but I can still sigh over these photos!

  8. Jag ?LSKAR gamla hus! Ju ?ldre och ruckligare desto vackrare, oftast. H?rligt med tidningspappret och de gamla tapeterna.

    Ja, man f?r se till att bli en mini-martin och l?ra sig renovera helt enkelt. Eller l?ra sig att bo enkelt och utan moderna bekv?mligheter :)

  9. Oh can see why you fell in love with it. My grandmother had a summer kitchen (a separate building outside the main house so you wouldn’t heat the house up with cooking) one of my favorite memories is that every spring when we opend the summer kitchen up, we would give it a good cleaning and re-paper the walls with newspaper. I used to love to sit and read all the layers of print and it has become an influnence in the art I create.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my site and your nice comment.

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