My Fontana

Second hand stuff with a story attached is sometimes the best second hand.

Stuff from my grandmother
These two are unexpected presents from my Grandmother who looked through her cupboards on my last visit. The first, a red plastic pitcher, I got when I commented on its beauty. I guess both Gran and me saw the program Design 365 on TV which highlights a Swedish Design each day of the year (their web is great!) because 2005 is the Design Year. I don’t know if this pitcher is a real Fontana (see January of the episodes at Design 365), or a copy, but I love how the red colour shows the water inside.

The other gift was a chrystal bowl for salad or fruit that my Grandmother’s mother Elsa bought around 1920! Maybe something to bring to Antikrundan?

Buy the way swedes: have you noticed that SVT publish some programs online? Like the whole Kulturnyheterna (with special section of book reviews)! Wow, right? To me that is good service. And you don’t need to pay TV license to watch anything (and it’s great for those of you living abroad).

1 Response

  1. Hey – you didn’t leave your email address …
    That’s quite funny, your kitchener technique. See, when it says “turn work”, this just means that you got to the end of the row, and now turn around so you can start a new row. Jut as you do every time when knittig flat. What you did with your sock is “turn inside out”. But it didn’t say “turn inside out”, right. It said “turn” or “turn work”.
    Yup, I have a serious fabric addiction, too. And yup, I’m behind with reading up on you. And lotsa other people. It seems that our little trip to California did not have the desired relaxation effect on me. I came back and didn’t feel like doing anything when I got back, including blogging! Imagine that!
    Lovely gifts your mormor gave you.

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