Spotted Photo Theme: Street Art
November’s Spotted Photo Theme is Street Art, or what we spot as we walk through urban environment. A bit of contrast welcome after last month’s theme: nature, though of course my nature was full of concrete. And you’ll see lots of concrete in this post too!
I love the idea of streets filled with art, and my own aesthetics leans towards graffiti, decay and layer upon layer of color… Wabi-sabi if you will. So obviously I see it as art, and when I spot it I documented it with my camera. How about you? Do you ever photograph street art?
My photos are from around Sweden (mostly taken in Umeå). Some are more artistic than others, maybe even paid for, some are made in the darkness of night: destructive and ugly, by bored kids with nothing better to do. But in some way they’ve appealed to me, always on the look for beauty, even in the ugly… I hope you like ’em.
Wanna join me? New to my prompt “Spotted Photo Theme”? Then read my Introduction to the Spotted Photo Theme Idea, and feel free to post the link to your Spotted Photo Theme of the month below in the comments. Use my theme, or tweak it to fit what you have photographed. Link back to me by text or using the spotted theme-button, thank you for helping me spread the word.
And a few from elsewhere:
Peace and Love festival, Borlänge
I’ve posted graffiti before, for example check out my morning commute post and some wall doodles that inspired me a lot. I even did some street art once myself, and long to do to more… Thanks to Tammy for suggesting street art as a photo theme!
Spotted theme in December: Something Christmassy spotted from year to year (how about a post featuring all trees you’ve had through the years?), and January 2015: Darkness and Light, saving vehicles for February.
Have a great day!
love graffiti art
Oh! I love your assortment of street art. Here’s my collection, not as vast as yours:)
Hi! I love street art too so this months photo theme is very suitable. We visited Berlin for a few days and I captured some great graffiti. If you like you can take a look here.
I love this assortment of street art! Thanks.
I just learned that you have this series going on (I come from Tammy’s blog) – it’s wonderful! I don’t photograph much outside because I like to take my walks without my big camera (I don’t have a camera in my cellphoto or a small one…) but I might be able to find theme-photos in my stash or maybe I SHOULD go for a walk taking my camera… you look at things much different then, isn’t it?! I LOVE the peeled of poster photo (the first in this post) very much!
This is a great collection Hanna. It was fun to browse back through my photos looking for street art in my town……anyone can see it here:
So great! I love street art so so much, and I’m glad you featured some here!
Uncustomary Art.