What is on TV tonight

What is on your TV tonight? This is what is on mine:

My wooden H made by Maria + yarn on top of the television - photo copyright Hanna Andersson

My beautiful white H that was specially made for me by my wood crafting friend Maria Lu. It has been in a craft exhibition at the library for a while, but now it is finally where it belongs, with me in my home.

And next to my H is my white knitting basket (filled with wool) that has been stored in the book shelf for a long time now. I can’t put it on the floor because my cat, Smilla, is a yarn killing cat. She hates that stuff and tries to eat it!

I painted the basket years ago, and always thought I’d decoupage some roses on the sides of it. Now I’m glad I didn’t. I like it white.

I like white!

2 Responses

  1. Oh. . .I like white too. . .my favorite color combination in the whole entire universe is pink and white, so your picture made me smile. LOVE IT!!!!!

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