A really good novel

The Signature of All things

Do you have time to read books? Probably not, but the question is: do you take time to read books? I think you should. Because reading is a lovely pastime any time of the year, and perfect for summer, weather you are on vacation or just sit outside for a while during the weekend. I just finished this novel, and wanted to recommend you to check it out.

You probably already know about the book (and/or the movie) Eat Pray Love? It’s written by author Elizabeth Gilbert, one of my favorite authors. Her latest book is not another personal biography but an awesome historic novel. I really loved it, and I think you should read it, if you too are a feminist, a lover of beautiful words and old fashioned sentences and the English? language…

The book has the most beautiful title ever: The Signature of All Things.

It’s about a rich little girl born in 1800, who loves learning new thing, asking questions and who wants to explore the world. Her name is Alma Whittaker. She grows up to be a researcher and naturalist, one who challenges everything but still stays unknown to the world. I will not say much about the story, because I don’t want to spoil it. But just know that this is one of those stories that will stick with me for a long time, and a book I already miss with longing. So read The Signature of All Things!

Happy Summer Solstice from iHanna

I hope Elizabeth will keep writing novels like this, but probably she will find a new genre and idea to challenge her readers again (which of course also is good thing).

Also, if you haven’t seen her newest TED-talk, Success, failure and the drive to keep creating you should take the time to watch it. It’s is almost as great as the previous one about creativity.

Wishing you a Happy Summer Solstice. What are you reading right now? Any book recommendations for me, feel free to share!

9 Responses

  1. Jag läser Stoner av John Williams. Den känns välskriven och hittills intressant!

  2. The Gates of the Alamo by Stephen Harrigan – follows sympathetic characters on opposing sides, including several strong women, through the confusion of 1835-36 that eventually led to Texas independence.

  3. I do most of my reading by listening to audio books. The “Signature of All Things” was a terrific book. I always enjoy books where I’m not only entertained with a good story but also ones where I learn something. I just finished Neil Gaiman’s Ocean at the End of the Lane which was unusual but good. I’m currently listening to “Someone” by Alice McDermott. A little bit hard to follow as an audio book because the story jumps around in time, but I’m enjoying the story.

    • I do a bit of both, reading real paper books but also quite a lot of listening to audio books. Fun fact: I’m also listening to Neil Gaiman’s book right now – but I’m not that impressed…. It feels like a strange dream scenario/children’s book and I’m not really too interested in knowing the end, so I guess it’s not my kind of read.

  4. Happy Summer Solstice to you too Hanna! I just started “The Circle” by Dave Eggers last night. 500 pages….it’s for a book group, which is a good way for me to motivate myself to plough through books that I might not otherwise read. Looks interesting, but I’m only 25 pages in so hard to say what it’s really about.

    • Hi Meghan, I miss having a book group! I used to be in one many years ago and it was so great. I tried one of Egger’s books but even though it was written in a cool, very talkative tone with lots of humour – I couldn’t finish it, I just kept putting it down. So then I just gave it away. I hope you like yours better.

  5. I totally agree with you, Hanna, that it is a great novel. Alma’s life, her father’s story, all side characters, the historic context… I’m looking at mosses with a different eye nowadays.

  6. I really enjoyed Signature of all Things. My favorite E. Gilbert thus far! I loved all the botanical references, and the nautical parts made me think of Ahab’s Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund. And I like moss.
    I just started reading the new Joyce Carol Oates: The Accursed. It’s proving to be a slightly weird page-turner…will let you know!
    Best, cortney