Summer is for Reading {Fantasy} Books I think that autumn and winter is for writing. To cozy up inside, preferably under a quilted blanket with a cup… Categories Read a book
365 Collages | Week 5 | Swedish Female Authors Every 8th of March it’s International Women’s Day. It’s one of my favorite days, because it reminds me how far we’ve… Categories Collage
A really good novel Do you have time to read books? Probably not, but the question is: do you take time to read books? I… Categories Read a book
I bring a pencil when I go fishing Gone Fishing – Not! I doubt you imagine me sitting outside for hours fishing, huh? And you’re right. I rarely do…. Categories Creativity & Life/Draw & doodle
Creative Snapshots | Nutritions Nutritions – and I don’t mean (only) food. I mean all the things from the nutrition circle, like sunshine, books, stories,… Categories Photography
Checkered Wrist Warmers Truth be told I knit these with yarn from my stash, but the colour combination could’ve been inspired by this book… Categories Crafts
You will craft nothing less than epic with your life The Swedish cover of Marisha Pessl’s book Special Topics in Calamity Physics is one of my favorite book covers ever. It… Categories Read a book
The Garden in October (and some tea) Posting more photos from the atumny garden today, hope that’s okay with you? Notice the bokeh in the photo: Today I… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
A Swedish Must Read Book Series I’ve opened up the package that was wrapped for me in the store where I bought it (!) and started to… Categories Read a book
Four thing Lists and one dog I’ve seen this meme everywhere, the four things about me-tag. Surfing by Susan I felt I should do it… and later… Categories Creativity & Life/in list form
Gone with the wind A post about my candidate paper (C-uppsats), knitting and ladders on a sock. This is how my sock look right now:… Categories Crafts/Inspiration