Happiness on a Page

Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself. Oprah Winfrey

Quote Every memory deserves to be happy - on art journal collage page by iHanna

I create pages with messages I myself need to hear. They might not be one hundred percent true, but maybe it’s something in them anyway? They might be about something I wish for, long for, hope for myself and for others… Often times it’s about happiness, maybe as part of my own personal Happiness Project that probably always will be an ongoing thing.

I pick out sentences from magazines that speak to me, in one way or other. Of course to use them on a collage page I also need to like the look of them. I need to like the colors of the font and how the typography looks.

Do you include sayings from magazines in your art journal?

Art Journal side view: Enlightenment

Collage Time with iHanna: Process video x 2

In today’s blog post I’m sharing my two recent process videos of pages created in the TN journal I started in last year. First one is about my longing for spring.

If you can’t see the embedded video – visit YouTube to see the video there at Longing for Spring [episode five of Collage Time with iHanna].

Attain Enlightenment

I don’t remember where the text I used in this spread came from, but I think it’s kind of funny. I doubt anyone will become enlightened within these pages, or by doing collage, but still… there might be some truth to it, no?

To the fact that when you dig into what kind of images you enjoy, what things you’re drawn to, you will be able to see yourself just a little bit more clearly… Perhaps.

Here’s the full page and some details:
Longing for spring [collage time with iHanna]

My second page I’m calling Happiness on a page

Art Journal side view: Every memory

Happiness on a Page

I create a second spread, and below included the second video! Because they’re so quick to watch I thought I’d just add them into the same blog post. I hope you don’t mind. This one has the text/quote Every memory deserves to be happy – not sure about that either… but I am pretty damned sure that my own life deserves to be happier than it is right now.

I took the time to go in and add subtitles to this video, I don’t know why at all. If you want to watch with subtitles, there’s a little wheel on top of the video (once you start and pause it) where you can turn them on or off through the pop-up menu. The subtitles available both in English and in Swedish – just in case. :-) I thought I’d mention them, in case there are someone who think they’re useful.

If you can’t see the embedded video, click here to watch it on YouTube Happiness on a Page [Collage with iHanna episode six], and give the video a thumbs up and a comment too, when there.

I like this page a lot more than the first one, probably because of all the colors.

[tweet “I have a white spread in my notebook – and I am NOT afraid to fill it! /iHanna #quotes]

Art Journal Page: Every memory deserves to be happy by iHanna #artjournal

Can you capture happiness on a page? Can a page in your art journal carry your longings? Asking for a friend…

More videos
Creating the Book – how I created the TN and pimped the cover
Collage Time Playlist – save the playlist and watch it while you journal along with me.


3 Responses

  1. It certainly made me happy: lovely springtime colors – we need it on these grey days!

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