Pink Cake Day

I will have two birthday partys this year, one at my home and the other one later (at Easter) at my parents home. First Birthday Party was yesterday, and even though I’m not 30 yet, I had so many friends over, giving me presents and hugs. I had the best time! I was amazed, and so happy all night. I will try to take pictures of all my presents later, but first, this:

Pink Cake Day
The theme of the party was pink, as you can see.

My-sister-not-in-law made the cake and the pink chocolate balls. I made the pink muffins – very messy but oh so fun.

Smilla was hiding under the bed the first couple of hours, but everyone who got a chance to meet her fell in love. And after the door bell stopped ringing all the time, she came forward and said hello to everyone, let my friends pet her and made me purr inside.

Thanks for all your nice comments on my last post (on getting Miss Smilla the cat into my life). Here are the two of us on my Pink Cake Day:

Me & my cat

Yes, she is named after the danish book Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow by Peter H?eg. Because I love literature, any cat of mine would have a literary name. And yes, I will for sure post more pictures of her in the future! That’s a promise!

17 Responses

  1. GraTTis!!!
    Jag mor hon leva!
    Happy first day to Smilla!
    I am a little afraid to pet Trassel the Terrible;-)

  2. haPpy birThday! I wonder when i could eat cupcakes as lusci0us-Looking as those… ^^*

    health and haPPiness to you, Hanna… Your art is just g0rgeous, and reading this bLog I think you aRe t0o!

  3. Sounds soooo wonderful!!!
    Oh Smilla is just the cutest thing!!! She would love to play with my Early mouse I bet you ;-)))


  4. The 30th needs double parties, and double wishes too, so, waiting the 24th April:
    happy birthday!!!

  5. Oh, happy birthday! I’m sure you must have had a fabulous party with all that pink. And I’m glad that Smilla is settling in well – kitties are the best friends anyone could have!

  6. Happy Birthday Hanna! Now I know why you loved the pink house in my blog. I’d love to have you and Smilla across the way. Maybe she would want to come play with Artemis and Tosca? Do cats do play dates?

  7. K?re Hanna- et stort tillykke med f?dselsdagen og de f?rste 30 ?r! T?r man sp?rge hvorn?r den “rigtige” dato er??? Jeg er bare s?dan en lidt astrologisk interesseret person – og derfor nysgerrig p?, om du er v?dder eller tyr. Jeg kender dig jo bare her fra bloggen, men jeg tror, jeg h?lder til taurus…
    Mange hilsner – ogs? til frk. Smilla
    Hanne dk

  8. it doesn’t get much better than pink cupcakes, does it?
    j?ttegrattis, hanna! helt r?tt att dra ut det hela och fira flera g?nger!
    stor kram fr?n

  9. Such a lovely party! all of the pink goodies! I hope you have a very happy birthday, Hanna!

  10. Hi Hanna!!! Late happy birthday from me too!!!
    I really love your blog and keep coming back…its a very nice mixture of things you write about…..!