Thread Nest ATC Artist Trading Cards

I’ve embroidered a few Artist Trading Cards this summer. After a while even small pieces becomes quite a body of work. Little experiments. Artist trading cards as sketches. Thoughts that are not yet finished, and still they are finished work. I love that.

Embroidered ATC by iHanna Thread Nest (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

The first two I made with these “thread collections” were pink, and the threads creates little thread nests. The threads are left overs from dying fabric in a class. The tangled thread nest looked to fun to throw away.

Embroidered ATC by iHanna Thread Nest 2 (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

I’ve stitched these thread nests to the pink dyed fabric, attaching each thread with a few little stitches. And I added some small beads to the second one. Both have been traded IRL, which is extra fun.

11 Responses

  1. I have MISSED doing things like this. I love to come here and be inspired and “live vicariously” through your creative work :) Men nu tusan blir det andra bullar. Jag skall dra fram mina pyssliga material och art journals. Annars tinar jag bort och försvinner helt !

  2. Hi Hanna…came by to say hi and see what you’ve been up to. Love these thread ATCs. What a great idea to use up those little thread. I also love the journal pages below…your pages are always so inspirational.

  3. i love these little thread bundle creations! they are bursting with the potential of becoming.

  4. These are gorgeous! I always figured orts had that name because I ort to be able to figure out a way to use them – thanks for the inspiration!

  5. I love thew idea of using “leftover”threadbundles. I think the ATC’s are really nice.

  6. Your work is simply beautiful.
    I now have something to teach myself.