Doily flower power field tote

Creativity is my religion – amen to that sister!iHanna

Flower field Tote

Thrifted doilies love – orange and pink. Cheap awesome material that makes me happy!

iHanna's Doily Bag

Field tote – a tote to take out to the field, with a field of flowers on. Pack a bottle of water, your digital camera and your field note journal and go outside. Take a walk with your new tote, sing to the birds and scare them away. Smile and try laughing out loud to the forest around you. Look for flowers (little signs of spring) to portrait.

Flower field Tote

With flower power – the power of nature is immense and great. It can transform, lift you up, clear your thoughts. The power is within and around you.

Flower field Tote

Girl power, flower power, the power of creativity.

14 Responses

  1. This is so cute, Hanna! I feel like I’m seeing doilies everywhere on the Internet today. I wish I had a bouquet of them right now, I’d make me a beautiful bag like yours!

  2. Love the bag ! Wish we could head out on a flower power field walk together ! I am in the same religion as you, my friend ! In Art We Trust !
    Groovy Baby !

  3. You girls are too funny. You make me laugh out loud. Thanks.

    I’ve updated my link list, thanks for letting me know your blog moved – put now… that update? ;-) take care!

  4. Oooh, I’m so jealous! I want to learn to sew!! Your bag is So cute. ;) I agree with Shellyfish…where are all the doilies coming from lately?! I like the pink and red varigated colored one.
    Goodness, now I have to learn to crochet, too?! Ahh!!

  5. Creativity is my religion. I have to use that line, Hanna. A sweet bag. Once the weather gets warmer, I’m going to go out to my park and take pictures of all the sweet flowers. I can’t wait.

  6. Awesome! Love it! One day I should put
    a photo up of the one I made. I need to
    learn how to make that what is it called,
    A gusset? Is that it? Do you know what
    I am talking about? So many questions. LOL!

    I like yours it’s whimsy and full
    of delightful surprizes!

    God Bless You and Yours and
    Your Creative Beautiful Life!!!

  7. PS. I like the yellow walls It reminds me of
    the Book The Persistence of Yellow.

    Really like that rug too! Did you or a family
    memeber make it? My mil has one that a
    friend made in Sweden.

    Have a Creative Fun Filled Day!!!

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