Reflect upon your blessings

Reflect upon your blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
Charles Dickens (this goes for gals too)

Pony tail cousin (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Visit from the cutest and most stubborn cousin ever.

Lovely (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Valentine lovely from dad to mom.

Green in the window (copyright Hanna Andersson)
Because everything in the window is so darn pretty.

Cozy girl (copyright Hanna Andersson)
And having a sleeping cat makes it easy taking adorable photos!

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8 Responses

  1. Awww, that makes me miss my kitty. He had to go back to Michigan, but now my grandma is in love with him. I couldn’t bear to take him back from her now :).

  2. These should help me have pleasant dreams tonight.

    I like that you’re posting your updates on twitter. I think I may prefer twitter to Google Reader.

  3. I have a stubborn cousin too! Beautiful photos as always…they always inspire me to capture “blessings”.

  4. Hello from Finland! I occassionally visit your site and look at your great snapshots! No time to read everything you write… Have a nice day!

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