Sewing Stool with new fabric

What do you get when you add a piece of new fabric (in a delicious rose pattern) with a thrifted sad looking stool (with a sewing box inside) from a flea market?

Sewing box stool that I thrifted and did this with:

My answer is that you get a beautiful and comfortable sewing stool that you can both look at and sit on without pain. Hurrah!

Sewing stool

I just upholstered this stool today using my new häftpistol from Panduro. I really like the result, what do you think?

Behind it I hung a dress I found in a box of my old clothes when cleaning for a flea market we attended as sellers this weekend.

A rosy dress

This dress stayed at home, because even if I don’t wear it I like the person I would look like if I did wear it… Strange, but I find it oh so difficult to clear my closet from old clothes.

And as wall decoration the dress looks quite nice I think.

9 Responses

  1. Oh, I love your sewing stool! It?s beautiful! And great to hear you?re creating more ruffles! I?m looking forward to seeing them :o)

  2. AHH!!
    Jag har precis en exakt likadan pall!! Har din en l?s l?da med fack som ligger p? en ram och under den en st?rre l?da?

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