Link Love: Recite this and that

Quote from the Universe for me via Recite this quote generator

Recite this is an online tool where you can make a quote into a masterpiece! This is the site I used to make the poster above. Neat huh? I made another example from the same e-mail message as above (it’s from a note I got from The universe). I would like to print that one and frame for it for the wall. It seam to be a good reminder for myself that life is full of meaning and wonder.

Share the Link Love

Since Diane is featuring me on her own Link Love post today (Link Love: Rag Rugs, More Hexies, & a PC Bracelet on CraftyPod – no longer online] thought it was time to do some link lovin’ myself again! You can read about why I love link lists and learn why you should too before moving on.

And then go visit these links (all of them!) for inspiration:

  1. Art Journaling Doilies – watercolour play by Päivi
  2. Me plus Molly Blog – lots of painted and sewn patterns by Kirsty [ is no longer available online]
  3. Über embroiderers: Kimika Hara – embroidery to fall in love with [via Nat at Smallest Forest no longer available online]
  4. Inspired by Annetta – a blog I just found yesterday. Anettta is a photographer who composes does beautiful photo posts. Swoon! [ is no longer available online]
  5. Major Radical Self Love Bible Inspiration – yummy cut and paste post from Gala Darling

BTW, did you know today is day 200 of 2013? I did, because it says so in the calendar on my new phone. I hope you enjoy these links as much as I did?!


iHanna Love!

Other things that inspires iHanna

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5 Responses

  1. Hanna…I enjoyed all the links a lot! Kimika’s embroidery was uber wonderful! Thanks!!!