January quilt project
When mom was here in October she helped me cut squares from some of the fabrics that I’ve been collecting. I noticed I had quite some fabrics in brown shades, so I decided to make a TV-quilt in browns. I really like browns, especially in a combination with other colours like pink and orange.

Mom cut several squares from all of my brown fabrics. She does it so fast and effortless that I just sit and stare. It’s lovely to see an expert at work.

I put all the big squares out on the floor in the living room, where I love to work because of the light and space, and paired them together in rows. This is the fun part, to combine the fabrics to make something new, whole.

Smilla was not helping at all, she run across them several times and when I told her to leave she just stared at me, smirking and then made a jump to the side so that all of the rows went crocked and I had to lay them out again.

When each row was sewn together I ironed them flat. This is an important step, don’t forget to use your iron when working with quilts, because then you’ll end up with more mistakes than you need. Anyway, after the rows are ironed flat, you sew the rows together, trying to match the squares below each other. I think it is difficult to make it straight – no matter how accurate you’ve measured each square and used the same seam allowance around each edge. But I’m not aiming for perfect anyway, so I’m very pleased how well it all came together. Thanks to my mom’s cutting I guess.

Next I need to find a blanket to use as batting, a edge fabric and a backside fabric. I plan to make it happen in February, just as soon as I can find a cheap blanket.
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Lovely fabrics!
I used cheap Ikea fleece blankets for my two ‘sofa-quilts’.
That’s a great combination of fabrics. On of the man reasons I love reading your blog is that you take on those projects that I keep meaning to do, but don’t quite manage, so I am inspired every time.
When my mom taught me how to use my sewing machine in September (the one I’ve had for years and years) to make simple curtains, she made me iron everything. I got very annoyed by all the ironing required, but it is true that it makes all the difference. And I haven’t even tried quilting yet.
H?rliga f?rger och m?nster! Det blir fint! :)
Way to go! I am seeing so many gorgeous quilts out there in the blogging world that I’m starting to want to have a go myself. I can’t wait to see your finished quilt.
Lapptäcket ser ut att bli jättefint! Gillar din nya design på bloggen :-)
when i first was looking at the pictures – i thought you had a hello kitty sewing machine…
its too nice for a blanket…use cotton batting/
Wonderful! I am making a quilt at the moment too and I can?t wait to see it finished.
Oh your quilt will be gorgeous!!! I LOVE that color scheme!!!!
Riktigt h?rliga m?nster och f?rger! I love it!