The Daily Art Card Project is finished
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
― Annie Dillard

I’ve finished the Daily Art Cards Project now. These cards have been my small big achievement of 2008. An almost daily creative base to go back to each day, making 10×10 centimeter collages or sometimes drawings.
The last two cards of the +366 cards are scanned and uploaded to the flickr folder. Yes I’ve managed to make two on some days, so there are a few “extras” in the piles. I’ve grouped them in piles by month and sorted through them. Some are plain bad, but I like most of them, especially some of the collages. I’ve found new ways to work and stretched a lot.

I look at the piles and I feel so happy that I took on this challenge. I don’t like every card in the pile, oh no I don’t. But I do think they are an accomplishment on my part. I’m glad I did them. When I’ve read about daily challenges before I’ve always said “that’s not for me, I could never do it”. But I guess I should have known better, I’m not a quitter.

I’m not a Quitter
I just keep going once I’ve started something. I hate loosing, in life, love or challenges. Though I did finish this challenge because I didn’t put up any rules, I just went with it. My first promise was to try it for a week, then for a month. When January 2008 was over I was already hooked, and even though I’ve had slow months where I’ve really thought it too difficult to keep up. Time and energy just wasn’t evident, but then I had a art Sunday where I did catch up and could continue from there. The days went by and I cranked out art cards in any mood. I’m surprised and content. And yes, proud.

After the Daily Art Cards
For this year I’m going to try to write Daily Poetry. That is so much easier to do than the Daily Art Cards I think. I guess I have a closer relationship with words (as they live in my head) than I do with my art material (that are sometimes packed in boxes or to far away to reach). I’ve actually been practicing the entire year to “write in public” as I write in my diary when I commute to and fro work. Art in public is so much more difficult because when I sit down to create I’m not very planned. I don’t know what I will use and I need to have my materials at arms reach! Even if I just leave my room I need to go back five times to fetch that thing I absolutely need right now; tape roll, wrapping paper, special crayons, watercolor box, gesso, pencil, bead, ticket folder, etc. etc. So Poetry, where it’s just me and my little notebook, will be perfect for 2009!
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.
― Mark Twain
My goal for 2009 is to write a poem each day and not procrastinate it even when I feel low on inspiration! So that’s adding another dimension and making Daily for real. All I need to write it is a few minutes, my notebook and a pen. That’s it. For art I need more time and an arty mood, though I’ve learned this year that I can create art even when I’m not in the right frame of mind. It’s possible and I have surprised myself with this over and over again this year.

Art in My Life
How does art play a prominent role in your personal life? [question prompt via Chrysti.]
Let me count the ways… As I’ve given art a prominent role in my life it has changed me and my life a lot, and making art continues to be my favorite activity. This year I’ve made the daily art cards and being creative almost every day is a great way to nudge yourself into doing something and feeling good! I love it. It is my comforter, my soul food and my meditation practice!
There is much to be said about these cards and my year, but now I’ve got to run for the buss again, as usual I’m late. So late, so late, I wish I had more legs…
❤ All posts of the Daily Art Card Challenge 2008
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I have been so inspired by your blog! For years I’ve wanted to create things and have so many ideas in my head.. but I just don’t know how to make them come out.. so I stick with what’s clean and crisp (but not always even!). You have inspired me to just do it. I am starting an art journal for the very first time and am excited to just let whatever is in me flow!
Mind if I feature you and use a couple of photos on my blog? (
“more legs” now there is a poem! AND foder for an art card! I would love to go through that drawer of cards, spend hours ooohing and ahhhing and becoming inspired- Your talent is delightful!
Hi Hanna!
Congratulations on finishing your year-long project in full! I have really enjoyed seeing your work evolve. You have really outdone yourself with the posts about the New Year. I plan to follow all the points in “How to end the year in a reflective mood” and remind myself of what I’ve accomplished this year.
I have chosen ‘release’ and ‘thrive’ as my two them words and I plan to be creative every day, although I have decided not to stick to one particular thing. Baby steps. Last night I covered a plain notebook in fancy wrapping paper. :-)
Best wishes!
What an amazing accomplishment Hanna! Congratulations on a year-long project. I am proud of you. I also really appreciate your mentioning on an earlier post that you didn’t make so many rules about your art cards. That you would only beat yourself up if you made it too strict and couldn’t stick to the rules you made. This particular thought really resonated with me. You’re really an inspiration. I look forward to your creative adventures in 2009! xoxoxox tj
Hanna, I just have to say that you constantly inspire me! Your work is so lovely – fresh and natural and honest.
Many years ago (yikes, maybe 12?) I wrote a haiku every day for three months and it was wonderful. I may get back at it.
Thanks for being you!
Thank you, Hannah for being so inspiring. I have started daily art cards for this New Year. The idea of creating small daily, really resinates with me. Sues
I love your last 2 cards.
I don’t think I’m ready to look through my piles of cards yet. But I do enjoy seeing the piles. I know that, like you, there will be some cards I don’t like but that’s the thing about being an artist. You don’t always like what you create.
I did embark on the daily poetry train. Some are in french and some in english. Whatever comes easiest on that day. So far, it’s much easier than I thought it would be to write a short poem every day. I do it just before going to bed, when I’m the most tired and my thoughts are more fuzzy. Some interesting word choices happen then.
Words are fun.
I love the artwork of your daily cards. A poem a day is a wonderful idea and a great way to be creative. Have fun, Hanna.
Oh your cards are so inspiring! Sigh. I want to make my own but I don’t think I can do it..with all the projects that I’ve already started (project 365 – take a picture everyday, and 50 in 365 – 50 books a year) LOL. But I will start my own art an art studies student I really need one, but I have been inspired by you, and not inside the classroom
Congratulations on your accomplishment! Having tried to do daily atcs last year I know how hard it is (I didn’t even get halfway through).
wow, hanna! That is a great accomplishment. You should be really, really be proud of yourself!
loving your daily cards! nice inspiration that i needed :-)
happy new year!
i’m so impressed with your ability to make a commitment and stick to it! especially for a whole year.. 365 days is a lot.
i wish i knew your secret; i definitely lack stick-to-it-ativeness. one day i hope to be able to actually finish something i start (maybe i should start with something that lasts a week, instead of a year?!).
i was looking through your daily art cards.. i think my favourite is the philosophy cloud. he’s so wide-eyed and colourful! very cute.
thanks for sharing,
what an accomplishment! It’s really something!
I have noticed that you have talked more about writing the last few weeks, and it seems like you are ready for the poems. Best to you! Just think how cool it will be when 2010 comes, and you have accomplished this as well!
?h! Grattis! Can you see your art progressing if you “read” them?
Wow they look great
I’m so encouraged by your having completed this personal challenge to do a collage every day for a year. It gives me hope that I will be able to do the same.
I particularly like the frog one with the typewriter. Now I need to go to your Flickr account and look at them all.