The Spring Chicklet
Isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? It’s a spring chicklet on the loose, wishing you all a happy easter! And I’m in love with my own creation. It’s lovely when that happens, don’t you think? :-)
I love this. I loved coming up with the idea, sketching it and finding the right fabrics for it. I loved composing the picture. And I love handsewing. I so enjoy embroidery, appliqué & quilting in combination.
Here the whole thing:
Totally inspired by Janet Bolton‘s book Patchwork Folk Art, a book that I love and adore.
Wishing you a happy Easter holiday!
Most cute! Happy Easter!
Hur fin som helst!
(means that it´s absolutely great)
So sweet…happy Easter to you!
I was just complaining yesterday about how much I hate hand sewing and I need my sewing machine fixed asap. However after seeing this I’m quite a bit more apt to give it a try again. :)
So cute!! Lovely little creature!
Hanna…that’s way cute!