Collage Postcard Pile | Video of all things Postal Before I sent my handmade postcards away last year I got in my head that I’d do a little quick video… Categories Mail bliss/Paper Crafting
Journal with me: Using Scrap die-cuts (finally) It is finally time to start using the Scrap Die-cut images whose origin and uses I talk about in my blog… Categories Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks
Hang Something on the wall I don’t even remember when or where I bought most of the frames I have in my house, but I know… Categories Home Comforts
Making Luna Lapin – a book by Sarah Peel Last year my mom (who loves sewing and quilting) bought the book Making Luna Lapin by Sarah Peel, and we got… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Read a book
365 Collages | Week 8 | Inspired by Easter Yellow Even though Easter is very much over, I’m still wearing my new, Easter yellow hoodie and yellow skirt with orange flowers…. Categories Collage
Repurposing an Old Embroidery I am working on a fun Easter Project right now. I started it a bit late but I wanted to share it… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Textile Art/Thrift & Recycle
Dear Photo Diary | Easter Eye Candy When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. Ansel Adams… Categories Photography
Dear Photo Diary | Celebrating Perfect Days If we want to discover the full potential in our humanity, we need to celebrate those heartbreaking strengths and those glorious… Categories Photography
Creativity in Snapshots | Easter The collage box is filling up with the collage project as you can see. A row of pretty journals are waiting… Categories Photography
DIY Doily Easter Egg There are a gazillion fun ways to recycle and find new ways to use those old crocheted doilies, but this has… Categories Crafts/Creative People/Inspiration
How to decorate Your Easter Tree I like the aesthetics of Easter better than any other holiday we celebrate here in Sweden. I love how bright and… Categories Home Comforts/Tutorials
365 Collages | Week 12 – Easter Edition Whiskers that Tickle, cute bunnies and yellow chickens. There’s just a lot of yellow and orange in this week’s collages for… Categories Collage