Art journal peek: Turn the page

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to write, all the art journal pages I want to fill, all the fabric I want to sew together and all the craft materials I want to explore.
iHanna (inspired by a John Burrough quote)

Art Journal edge
The crusade challenge in March was about restraining yourself, simplifying your journal pages, being a bit minimalistic and leaving some space blank…

Do you know how hard that is? Very!

Time to turn the page

I’ve started a practice notebook, for wee collages, but other than that I am going in the opposite rout right now, as you can see from the art journal spread here. It’s crazy busy!

You Can Turn the Page

I started with a b/w magazine headline, You can turn the page, in the middle left page, and then just filled the whole spread with little bits of this and that. Busy busy busy – but super fun to throw together.

I like the fringe that is sticking out from the page:

Art Journal detail: fringe by iHanna #artjournaling

And the details of the tape, magazine bits, papers, and images;

Art Journal detail: eagle
Art Journal detail: washi tape
Art Journal detail: boat
Art Journal detail: newborn

Making a page like this is a great way to use up those tiny pieces of paper that you have laying all over the place. Try it sometime, and let me know how it goes.

If it gets to busy, you know you can always turn the page and start over.

14 Responses

  1. I whole-heartedly agree with your quote Hanna….never enough time to create!! I have a similar quote on my watercolour website. your collage is yummy!!! thanks for the close up pics….it makes all the difference to be able to see the gorgeous details

  2. I am drawn to examples of minimalism that I see, but I tend to end up with pages more like these! I love the busy-ness! I was inspired to shamelessly imitate your postage stamp postcards, Hanna…if you want to check it out, please visit today’s blog post at Thank you for your inspiration!!

  3. Love your opening quote! I find that when I’m trying to go to bed, I suddenly have some ideas and want to keep doing things, but I know it would be crazy living! If only we could get lost in time :)

  4. I am indeed a person who has little bits of this and that laying aroung… I might throw them on my next ‘chronicles’ page indeed – thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Hanna – great spread! Love all the activity going on. Love the quote “you can turn the page”!!!! That is exactly what we said when talking about a Minimalism page….there are always more pages in a journal! Love the NONrestraint :)

  6. I have several embarrassingly large boxes of snippets and ephemera. I like sparse pages, so I have tons of stuff I haven’t used. But while I swear I like sparse pages, I admire people who make visually interesting pages, too. I love these pages you did, the color somehow pulls me around the page. I’m not ready to turn it over yet!

  7. Hanna, I so tire of being late visiting your wonderful pages. I have told my boss that from now on, I will continue to get to work on time, after the shower, the dog walk, the lunch-packing, the half hour commute, but that I am going to read your site before I start working. It’s just the way things have to be.

    So of course, I was placed in the middle of the room so that my activities could be more closely monitored.

  8. Wow this is beautiful. I think I might make a fun, super busy collage this weekend just to use up my bits and pieces if nothing else.

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