Lemonade or as we say blandsaft

Lemonade homemade by mom in 2008, photo by iHanna

Mom has made red lemonade from a mix of red berries. We call it blandsaft, which means mixed fruit lemonade. I’ve designed the labels in Adobe InDesign and printed them on sticker paper that we cut out.

Summer is the time to fill up the well for winter, both in the food cellar and the inspiration well!

Things to enjoy in the summer:

  • Go for a slow meditative walk in the woods. Smell the forest.
  • Pick berries and eat them sunshine warm with your red stained hands.
  • Swim in the ocean.
  • Visit gardens, exhibitions and cafés. Bring diary, pen and/or a friend.
  • Go to markets and watch people in Foppa-shoes and t-shirt tan. Buy hand crafted items, candy and eat outdoors.
  • Take your crafts outside and breath the fresh air.
  • Bring out a blanket into the grass and lay down and read a book.
  • Take photos while the light is good and all the world is in bloom.
  • Find a flea market and talk with the vendors about whats on the table.

What are you doing this summer for fun? Do you have any special summer traditions?

9 Responses

  1. I love your lemonade jars! Such a summertime thing… lemonade is! What I love about summer? ah… well today sitting outside and reading, painting inside… listening to music on NPR… wearing wrap skirts with african prints… thanks for making me think and be thankful! Roxanne

  2. Your labels are so so pretty. Here are some things that I like to do in the summer:
    – go to the farmer’s market.
    – ride my bike around the neighborhood
    – go berry picking
    – eat dinner outside on my kitchen steps
    – take cold showers
    – pick flowers
    Have a great Monday, Hanna. Your creativity inspires me.

  3. Mmmmm… I love berries!

    My husband just brought a big bag of lemons home from the store so I can make lemonade this week; I can’t wait. Lemonade is summer in a glass.

  4. Oh yes, the berry-season is upon us, no doubt! Both the cloudberries and the blueberries is starting to ripen up here in the north, and it’s a fun time with lots of exercise(!) and time out in the wilderness. I love it! I work all summer so my time to enjoy it is a bit limited, luckily it is light all night, so I take loads of pictures whenever I can!

    Ps: what is fl?der? Looks good too:)

  5. Thanks for your lovely comments! Alison’s “lemonade is summer in a glass” is so well put! love it!

    fl?der is Swedish and it is that white flower on a big bush, you can use both the flowers and the berries and it’s the best lemonade – my favorite!

    I think it the whole bush is known as Elderberry in English, but in Latin (I googled it) it’s called Sambucus nigra! :-)

    more information in Swedish and in English about the European Elderberry

  6. Summer is my favorite – even if I think I am melting. I spend as much time as possible near the beach and I LOVE to take a walk and get ice cream around dusk.

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