Visby | More architecture photography
I posted some photos from Visby yesterday, showing you some views of the ringwall. But I took a lot more photos on my trip to Gotland! I came home this morning after traveling through the night and I’m still tired so I thought I’d just share some more photos from Visby – the town where everything is so pretty. Everywhere you look you see cute doors, houses, windows, trees and benches…
Taking photos when I visit a new place, and later looking through them, makes me happy. I snap because I see something that interests me, but then I don’t know what to do with the photos. Maybe a photo book?
I’m thinking each trip should really be a photo book, but of course the question is if I need another book project right now?
Having the camera with you as you walk around makes you stop more often, look closer and notice in another way.
Every tree you see is beautiful.
Every house has at east one detail that is interesting.
Some streets has both interesting names – and signs with beautiful typography…
There is a lot to see in the world, even when you travel within your own country.
Do you take a lot of pictures when you travel too? What do you do with all your travel photos? I would love to get some ideas.
Stunning shots. What a beautiful place to photograph! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Fina Visby!
As I looked through these photo I realized I would have taken the same ones – I love architecture and come home from my trips with tons of windows, doors, ceilings, railings, etc. Currently they sit on my computer – what a waste!! I’ve been thinking of creating a mini-gallery in the house using standard size basic frames and then rotating photos through after each trip… you I really need a way to get them out where I can see them and enjoy the memories more often!
Yes, I take photographs when I travel. That is one of the joys of traveling, the treasure hunt for beauty, interesting architectural details, quirky charm. I agree that you pay more attention when you carry a camera. And you have captured all of it in your travel photos! As for “what to do” with all of those photos, I’d love to make a Blurb book “one day” but who knows when that will be. I also like to print random shots on my little pogo printer and use those on my art journal pages.