Collage Class with Teesha Moore

Teesha Moore is a well known Art Journal Guru in the internet world. Her collages are colorful, bright and personal. She recently made a whole series of videos showing her journaling style, and watching them is like taking a free online class! I’ve spent my day with them today;

Green Bird hat girl
I’ve posted this “playlist”, with all her videos after each other. I added all her videos inside one so you can view them “in the best order” (according to me). At youtube I always get confused as they don’t show up in the correct order there. Sit down with a cup of coffee, and maybe grab a notebook and jot down some ideas.

Teesha Moore has developed her own special journaling style which consists of a few different elements that she repeat with great success over and over again. You will recognize her style by her cool handwriting and a certain graphic design feel to them. There is the the one color watercolor background, a straight scrap border around the edges, a fun character in the middle, many black and white details – and then the finishing touch to her pages is made with pens, doodling and journaling all over the page!

Interesting was her use of pastels around the edges of her page. I’m also fascinated by how she puts together her collage “people”, those characters with pointy hats and googely eyes. I’ve tried to make my own collage people but I find it difficult to piece together different elements into a cohesive image. I guess it takes a lot of practice, and it’s the outlining and doodling that makes it come together.

You should absolutely subscribe to her at youtube (as well as my youtube channel iHannaNow) and also visit her blog Teesha’s Circus. And if you get inspired, why not journal a little every day this month and participate in Dawn’s NaNoJouMo!

16 Responses

  1. Thanks for posting these in order. I haven’t seen them before and appreciate watching them in order. Ok back to watching! :)

  2. Thank you so much for these — they’re awesome and inspiring! Does it say anywhere online how to make the base pages of the journal — just the blank, bound pages before they’re painted? Can they be bought or made?

  3. Good morning Hanna, you are my best find this year! I love your blog and you are the first one I open on my lap top every morning. Today, I am very happy to see your new post and the “new” thing I am into art journals (thanks to you). In answer to F (comment above), I found this tutorial in youtube: Your Very Own Hand Cover Journals by Baronessnz (just search her).

  4. Hey, Hanna! SO glad to see you’re blogging again! Thanks for the mention…NaNoJouMo is getting off to a great start! (And I LOVE the Teesha videos…)

  5. Nevermind… I was still watching through the videos when I made my last comment. I found the answer. Thanks again for sharing the awesomeness!

  6. Great minds think alike! Jag h?ller ocks? p? att pussla ihop en playlist med hennes filmer i r?tt ordning, och h?ller ocks? p? att skriva ett blogginl?gg om henne… S? det kan bli!Jag gillar att se hur enkelt det ser ut i b?rjan, och hur hon sen utvecklar det, det visar att n?r man tycker att det ser ut som skr?p, d? ska man bara forts?tta. Eller, det l?rde jag mig av Suzi Blu och mixed media – bara forts?tt s? blir resultatet oftast bra!

  7. This is a wonderful resource, it helps me because there are products I’d like to buy for art journalling, and I don’t because I don’t know how to use them. It is like going to a class.

    Tack sa mycket Hanna :-)

  8. I always loved her journal pages but could never figure out how she made them. I’m so happy that she made these videos and that anyone can watch them! I’m sure it will bring more people to the dark side, I mean art side, of life! (Sorry for the bad joke. It’s really late and I’m still buzzing from my daily writing for Nanowrimo. And I refuse to delete any writing at this point in time! I blame it on Nano!)

    I think I need to go to bed! LOL

    Can’t wait to see some of your artwork and projects!

  9. Glad you all enjoyed this!

    F, or if someone else wants to make the journals: Teesha is thorough – she has made two videos showing how to make this exact little journal with 16 pages – they are in the end of the playlist above! Teesha shows how to make this Art Journal from a 22×30 inches Fabriano watercolor paper and how to sew it together. To me it’s more like a little booklet, because my own Art Journals are heavey recycled books, but it’s easy to make. Try it out!

    Malin, hehe, yes, like minds for sure!

    Sophie, yay you! Congratulations on doing NaNo again this year, I’m both envious and proud of you! :-) Good luck!

  10. thanks for the videos. I am just starting to make journals and this was a fabulous intro for me. Much appreciated.

  11. Hanna, I’m slow to post as I’ve been experimenting with the methods in the videos. THANK YOU so much for posting them! Your pages turned out great, too. It may be getting dark outside, but you’ve got a creative light to brighten your life.

  12. Wow, what fun! I am definitely going to subscribe to your channel and to Teesha’s as well.

    Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog! Stop in again sometime.

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