No reading in a week
I tried not to read any blogs, books or magazines last week. But it was not very difficult since I was so tired when I came home that I fell in a heap in the sofa and didn’t move much. So when laying low, staring at the ceiling, I winded some wool, then knitted some.
I started on these socks. The Yarn is hand dyed from Britt Anderssons butik, bought last year. I don’t know why I got it, since the clours is not me at all… But I will try to knit big big socks for my boyfriend, who will be 30 this week! The socks will be a gift for later though…
Those are lovely colors, Hanna! I am really into sock knitting right now. So, why no blog reading for a week?
See you later~
I totally hear you on taking a break from reading–esp. other blogs. It can be very decieving how much time I spend doing that in a day! One thing I’ve done this summer is not watched any tv at all. I attribute my increased creativity to that–to the lack of images passively imprinting themselves on my mind. As my husband put it, before it was hard to recall when I’d done art or written two days in a row, now it’s hard to recall two days in a row when I haven’t. LOVE the sock yarn. I sooo want to start knitting, but I’m terrified I’ll be horrible at it. Any ideas as to where I should start?
Although these are not my color either, I still like them! Beautiful yarn! I?m nearly done with the zebra socks, but I don?t like them all too much. Well…. but I have new sock ideas already in my head! I had to stop myself from buying new yarn, when I went shopping on monday. Want to reduce my stash first…