Merry Christmas to all of you

Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone who visit this blog a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Crafty Year! In Sweden we celebrate Christmas and open our presents on the 24th of December, so today is the day!

With this post I want to thank everyone who has sent me e-mails though the year, with feedback, encouragement and crafty thoughts. You are all my friends, and you make me a better and happier person. Thank you every single one of you who took some of your time to read and/or comment in this blog and/or write in your own blogs!

Thank you soooo much to everyone who have sent me gifts, prices or swaped items, for making the blog expericene a real thing in my life too. And thank you big time to everyeone who has bought something in I shop with Mom shop! I can’t exprese how much that means to me, and to my mother. If only you could’ve heared her scream when I told her her first sell was made. She is that kind of do-it-yourself-person who would’ve never dreamed of charging money for her craft – because who would pay anything for such things? I love the fact that internet provids me with a chance to show her that her quilted bags etc. would and will be loved all over the world.

♥ I hope you have a great crafty holiday, I’m setting of with my knitting and art journaling to sit by the fire and just be. ♥

21 Responses

  1. God jul till dig ocks?, Hanna!
    Om du ?r i Storstaden n?got s? kan du v?l h?ra av dig?
    Numer ?r jag dagledig …

  2. K?re Hanna

    Gl?delig jul – vi har jo samme tradition her i Danmark med at fejre julen d. 24 – s? du har ret: i dag er i det i dag – nu er det NU

  3. Happy holidays and best wishes! My thanks to you too – even when I don’t comment, I always read, and I enjoy your blog tremendously! Thanks for sharing all your experiences and photos! I hope you get wonderful presents and enjoy a wonderful holiday. :)

  4. GOD JUL! Idag ?ppnar vi presenter ocks? – s? ska det ju vara :)

    Varmaste ?nskningar till ett gott nytt ?r!


  5. What a beautiful site! Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing all your wonderful inspiration. I look forward to visiting more often.

  6. Hi again,
    I love your blog, every time I visit I try to learn something more about what you are up to. I love it that you work on crafting with your mom and that you are so proud of her work. I checked out your online shop and it is so wonderful.

    I mentioned you in my blog so hopefully you will get some new visitors just like I’ve gotten many visitors from you! I love it! Great cards, too, very creative.
    best, susan

  7. Hei!

    S? mye fint p? bloggen og p? “shoppen” din. Jeg blir s? inspirert av alt du og din mor har lagd – tror jeg m? g? og strikke litt… ha en riktig god romjul og et godt nytt ?r.

  8. A belated Merry Christmas to you, Hanna! I hope it was fantastic and my best wishes to you for the New Year. Keep up the fantastic blogging – I really enjoy hearing about what you have created…

  9. hey! ville bara s?ga att din blogg ?r grymt fin och att du inspirerar mig till att ?teruppta mitt pysslande. tacktack!

  10. Hej fr?n Finland! Jag b?rjade min egen blog i september och har umm…I found your blog through some bloghopping and wanted to ask you if it’s ok that I added you to my link list. I think your blog is very inspirational, thanks for sharing! Feel free to visit me some time! And happy new year 2007! -koria.

  11. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Crafty New Year, in deed! Thank you SO much for your blissful inspiration! Looking forward to your continued adventures!!!


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