Love Acrylic Paint Markers

I have started a new adventure this autumn, and it’s taking some of my mental space to digest everything about it. I won’t reveal what it is just yet, but if something comes of it I’ll let you guys know of course! And if I’m not here, know that I am elsewhere being creative. In fact, that is true almost always. Of course I have sick days and such, but for the most part I create or craft something little almost every day.

Love Posta Paint Pens and other acrylic paints

For example, one day last week when I was feeling very low on energy and joy, I took out three mixed media papers that I had previously covered in paint, and doodles on them while sitting in the sofa watching season 2 of Suits (a series I am in love with at the moment). I love doodling when I’m watching stuff, be it YouTube, streaming or TV…

Here’s one of the mixed media papers before I started doodling on it:

Acrylic painted paper (before doodles) by iHanna

I am using some Posca paint markers I bought 1,5 years ago. Some of them where still wrapped in plastic when I took them out, and that made me sad. I said to myself:
– For who or when are you saving these pens Hanna?
And you know what? I couldn’t answer that simple question. I guess I was thinking that they were a splurge (bought a big pack of several pens at once!) so I should save them for a bit? But then time passed and I probably forgot I had them laying around. That is so stupid. I am a big proponent of “Use what you have” and “Do not save the good stuff”, so I’m glad I get to use these markers now.

I think acrylic paint markers are great

Paint pens are really awesome! If you haven’t tried any yet, you must. I’ve got some from another brand (Liquitex Paint Markers), but the tip on those tends to split before the paint runs out. The Uni Posca paint pens (when they work) are so fun to doodle with! Yes sure, sometimes they start dripping and break down before their time, but for the most part I think they behave fine.

Posca paint pen doodle on blue by iHanna

I love that the paint is opaque and strong, and that you can draw with them on top of acrylic paint, glossy magazine images and other slick, shiny surfaces that would never accept pencils or even most ink pens! Love that! I remember the first time I bought one (with a much smaller nib than these ones I’m using now) and how cool it was to try it out.

Craft-a-doodle flowers by iHanna

A lot of new art material seams to have been created as a spin on something old to make consumers buy more stuff, but paint pens is one of those inventions that is really useful for mixed media artist and Art Journalers!

The first paper was filled with pink, acrylic blobs that I turned into flowers. I thought I’d do the same to the other two, but it didn’t happen. Instead I went with circles and dots in different colors for the second one and dashes going along the paint strokes on the last paper. I like all of them.

Polka dot doodles by iHanna #paintedpaper

I haven’t decided what I’m going to create with them yet. Suggestions welcome.

I know I’ll scan them in and maybe print copies for collage, but after that I’m not sure. Maybe they could be original book covers for my Traveler’s notebook inserts that I’ve been making lately? Yes. Making a lot of stuff, but not finding the energy to blog it all.

How about you? Are you creating stuff?

iHanna's Doodles with paint makers because of my love of Acrylic Paint Markers (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson

And is anybody still reading blogs anyway?

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16 Responses

  1. Yes!! I am still rrading blogs and I really enjoy yours! I am in need of inspiration and to figure out how to use all these wonderful art products I own. Thank you.

    • Thanks Theresa, glad you liked this post. Paint markers are really fun, I hope you use yours too.

  2. I love this! I have so many Posca paint pens and acrylic pages. I can’t wait to see what you do with them!

    • Thank you. I’m going to at least scan them and use as collage fodder first. I imagine that would be quite a fun look, don’t you think?

    • Thanks for letting me know Anny! I’m reading blogs too, and I’ll keep writing mine. :-) It’s too bad that some pens are so expensive to get, it’s a splurge for sure to get Poscas here too.

  3. I love reading your blog, Hanna! Thank you for continuing to share your creative a adventures with us! Your collage doodles turned out so pretty! I’ve been doing some journaling and making some greeting cards lately, but I’m anxious to be creating more. Need to finish unpacking our moving boxes. And then I can start on Christmas crafting! Yay!

    • Thanks dear, but are you starting on Christmas crafting already? Haha, that stresses me out. It’s not even October yet…

      • Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of year! I start looking forward to it the day after Christmas. :) I’m anxious to do some Christmas-related crafting this year, not just creating Christmas gifts. I would really like to do some sort of Daily December again…I’ve been saving Christmas ephemera for several years now. Hehehe. I’d like to put it to good use finally! Are you planning to do a “Daily December” type journal again this year?

  4. Hi Hanna, I still read blogs and still enjoy yours! I’ve been playing with quilting and finally getting the hang of it. I seem to think about fabric a lot, and I think your latest creations would look wonderful in a quilt. Maybe you could turn them into fabric?

    • Thanks dear, glad you’re still enjoying my ramblings. Quilting is time consuming (to me) but SO fun! I agree, doodles would look great as fabric. Hm…

  5. YES!! I am fairly new to your blog and have been guilty of not commenting. Your work is very inspiring so please keep blogging!