A Cat Moved In

Suddenly I’m out of words.

Maybe this picture will reveal some of my feelings of happiness, serenity and peace… A cat has moved in!

My cat Smilla
I’ve never had a cat before. And now she lives here, with us. She jumped into my lap (once) and she comes when I call her. It’s such an amazing feeling just to look at her. I think I will never have enough of her. She is an amazing cat, everything I could’ve ever imagined of a animal friend. At least I think so… We are still getting to know each other, she has only lived here three days today.

My reading material this weekShe is 1,5 years old and has allready lived in two homes. We picked her up at a nice couple who allready had a black cat that is five years old. That cat didn’t like this cat so they thought it best to find her another home. I saw her picture on the net and went to look. And fell in love, because she came to me and said hello – plus she was also wild and crazy when they played with her. Here she has allready ruined two skeins of yarn. I know she shouldn’t be playing with yarn, but she found them during the night, and when we woke up it was just tangled up around the bed. I don’t know where she found it.

I hope this will be her permanent home. I have my dream view, not looking out of the window at the falling snow, but inside, on the window shelf – looking back at me. Smilla!

Today it’s Studio Friday time, theme ROOM WITH A VIEW. Therefor I’m posting a picture of my cat Smilla (love the sound of that) in the window. At the picture she is smelling the mini daffodils there. Outside the snow keeps falling, and I don’t want to go out. Ever. I want to stay here with Smilla and play…

27 Responses

  1. What happened with Kerstin, wasn’t that a good name? I thought it was a great idea. ;) Smilla was a nice choice I think! It suit her!

  2. ?h, katt! vad mysigt h?rligt underbart! jag dr?mmer sj?lv om en katt men tyv?rr kommer det nog aldrig att h?nda eftersom det finns personer i min sl?kt som ?r j?tteallergiska.
    men hon ?r s? s?t lilla smilla, hoppas du postar fler bilder av henne l?ngre fram :-)

  3. I’m so happy for you and Smilla! What a wonderful view! She already looks like she’s at home.

  4. What a love she is! I love your view.. it’s fresh, cuddly and full of all the things that Spring brings!
    ~ Gabi

  5. Smilla! love the name. Loved the book and the movie. Is that where you came up with it? Enjoy!

  6. you know i love you and please don’t be mad .. the peace you want to use is spelled like this PEACE.

    Piece is like one part of something, like a piece of pie or cake.

    I think you are amazingly good and using the English language.

  7. I love your picture and hope that you enjoy your beautiful cat as much as I have. My old boy turns 18 years old this month and still is very happy and healthy. He has brought so much joy to our home and will always be my friend. I hope the same thing happens to you! Best of Luck, Leticia from Sonoma California, USA.

  8. ?h vad kul!!! You found your creative spirit! May Smilla bring you joy and happiness. Trassel is still in transition so she is not so loving yet but I am waiting! GRATTIS!!!!!

  9. hurrah!
    my kitty is named smilla too! she is actually playing one of her favorite games right now which is trying to nibble on my hands as i write this.
    lucky you! grattis!

  10. Ahhhhhh! What a sweet kitty! I am so happy for you. A pet/friend adds so much to your life. They love you unconditionally! Even when you are crabby! Have fun!

  11. oooh what a lovely cat! (I just picked up a copy of SMILLA’S SENSE OF SNOW from the bargain bins the other day… what a coinCidenCe! ^__^)

    your kitty looks very sweeT. I love cats~

  12. Hihi, d? kan du s?ga som min sn?lla lillasyster sa n?r vi var sm?: “N?r jag blir stor ska jag ha katt, f?r d? kan inte Inger komma och h?lsa p? mig.”

    Det ?r syskonk?rlek, det!


  13. A beautiful view from your studio with a new friend who will guarantee to warm your heart and comfort you always.