My Story of Becoming a Plant Lady I am a plant lady. That simply means that I love having greenery and plants in my home, but also,… Categories Home Comforts/iHanna philosophy
Quilted Christmas Table Runner It’s time for some quilty pleasure, sewing for myself. It’s especially “bad” because I was supposed to create handmade gifts “for… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Hang Something on the wall I don’t even remember when or where I bought most of the frames I have in my house, but I know… Categories Home Comforts
Dear Photo Diary | Summer Reading & Groot When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Dear Photo Diary | Creativity is a drug Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. Cecil B. DeMille Hello 2015! The month, and the new year, got of… Categories Photography
Creative Snapshots | Everday Beauty My last post in a series of Snapshots of a Creative Life posts that I call Creative Snapshots, was posted way… Categories Home Comforts
Week in the Life | Wednesday Wednesday I stay at home. With the camera set on the tripod I use the beloved clicker quite a lot to… Categories Photography
Creative Snapshots | In Many Pink Hues Creatie Snapshots – photos from my everyday creative life – is back on the blog! I’m back at work and will… Categories Photography
Creative Snapshots | Happier at Home Look for happiness under your own roof. Gretchen Rubin My Nine Years of Blogging is a big part of my personal… Categories Photography
Creativity in Snapshots | Valentine Hearts being created and painted around here. I call it Paint and Paper Love, and it’s what I’m into right now…. Categories Photography
Home Comforts: Ivy greenery An important part of a cozy home is the greenery, don’t you agree? The indoor greenery makes a room feel like… Categories Home Comforts
In My Easter Window My Easter decoration efforts make me happy. I love the colours and figures of Easter. The Easter twigs (of birch tree)… Categories Home Comforts