Blogger’s and their cats

Jakob's pointy kitty katt & Peppar a real cat

Cats are the best, right? And softie cats too. I made two blue striped pointy kittens last month. One was a present for my friend Jakob, on his second birthday. I think he liked it. He said “Kiiisse-kaaatt!” when he opened the package. I have photos of the other cat I made, but it’s a birthday present too, so I won’t post about it until later.

Jakob 2 years old and Pointy kitty

Other Cat News in Blog World

I am thinking about cats. And cats on blogs, as I see them eeeverywhere right now. Have you noticed, it’s a big blog trend!

Gracia posted a picture of her cat, Yvonne’s cat Boo had a birthday and Lovisa has posted some spring comfort: white kittens!

Pam has posted beautiful photos of her cat Tyger, and did you notice Tine’s wonderful cat Early when she was kind enough to post picture of him in her blog!? Tami’s cat Cosmo had his birthday in the beginning of March. Jojo has gotten a kitten recently too. And Katie got her cat back after one year, amazing! And then there is cat crafts, like the Totoro inspired cat bus quilt! I want to make a quilt too soon, and cat toys. Soooooon.

Also, I just happened to buy something to sleep on for a cat that might come live here (!), when visiting IKEA Sundsvall this weekend. Gotta love IKEA, it’s so Swedish as you probably already know. The cat blanket I got is round, white, furry and has a tail…

If you are not tired of cats yet, then you should also check out:

If you have other tips for a crazy cat women like me, please tell me… I am not cat crossed eye yet.

9 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna! Another crazy cat woman here! Thanks for including the link to my Totoro/cat bus creation. It’s a tic-tac-toe board, but I lilke your idea of making it into a quilt! It would be pretty easy to do…

  2. What a lovely blog you have, and I adore your creations … including the pointy cat!

    Thank you for stopping by.

  3. hi hanna!

    thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comment…

    can i just say that i totally love your blog!!!!! it’s got cats, crafts, art, cool thrift finds….what more could you ask?!

    i’ve got 5 cats: 2 females and 3 males. we used to have 7…but we gave one away because he didn’t get along with the tribe and the other one, we had to put down bec. he had a bad heart :(

    i absolutely love, love, love your stuffed cat toys….can i buy one (or two)??! they are wicked cute! please email me at i would be happy to order some cat toys!!!

    take care,

    from one cat person to another, mary ann :)

  4. Well, I try not to post about cats too much — but they slip in quite frequently… especially today. Thanks for all the cat links. Love that cat tic tac toe quilt!

  5. Hi….Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my blog…I then came to visit you and lo and behold, I find lots of good stuff! :-)
    Crafts and lots of happy cats! I am attaching a link to a post I made of my favorite picture of our little cat (he’s one year old), Atticus. He cuddles up with me while we sleep (like under my chin all night cuddle!) and when I leave for work in the morning, I miss him the whole day! Is that weird? When my husband greets me when I get home, if he’s holding Atticus, I find my eyes go to Atticus first! Fun blog! I’ll be back! :-)

  6. Oh you have to love the kitties! I’m loving all these cat related links and images – just wonderful.

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