My First Autumn Mandala

iHanna's First Autumn Mandala sideview

Last week I found the hashtag #höstmandala (at instagram) and was amazed. Such creativity and inspiration there is to be found out there, when you know where to look. I love this kind of phenomenon where no one can claim copyright to the idea, and it can spread like wildfire. The whole point is to take it and use it, make your own version. Be inspired!

So what am I talking about? Höstmandala is Swedish for Autumn Mandala, and of course I felt a huge urge to go out and make my own version of this! So out I went, with a bag and my camera to gather & save. When I came home I arranged my own autumn mandala. Here it is:

iHanna's Autumn Mandala, October 2013. Copyright Hanna Andersson

What will your mandala look like?

10 Responses

  1. Love this!!! I was outside today picking up stuff but never thought about making a mandela. Great idea and love, love, love this.

  2. Wow this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, so seasonal and lovely. I think I will do this Thursday afternoon when I don’t have to be at work. Did you just arrange your pieces or did you actually glue them down? I really can’t get over how pretty this is. Great work, Hanna!

    • Thank you Erica!

      I quite enjoyed creating my autumn mandala. I imagine all kinds of ways you could create mandalas now… food, items, flowers… so many possibilities. I simply arranged my berries and leafs here, no glue used. A few hours later all the leafs were crumbled anyway. Just a temporary artwork, just like a real mandala!

  3. Hanna, I’m sooo EXCITECD to se see this!! I also make them and have them on my blog. I stumbled upon a blog where the hostess makes them and shares each Monday, I started making them soon after and for days would keep making them. Now I have calmed down and make a couple a week and love the peacefulness and beauty in making them.
    You can check out her blog at Girlunwinding and my blog has one up right now too at Everyday memories

    Would be so awesome if you would share with us on Monday’s when you can. She would love to see this too.

    This is stunning and GORGEOUS and so FALL!! I love it, what a great job you did on it for your first one. Lucky you could find so many pretty things to use too.
    Thanks so much for sharing and please come see mine if you get a chance, THANKS!

  4. …so pretty! Mandalas it seems have been making themselves known to me over the past year, and especially these natural-object mandalas have been calling out to me. It’s a new moon this weekend; I feel my first such creation calling me… *sigh!*

  5. Beautiful!
    I’ve never made a physical one. I’ve drawn quite a few!
    I’ll look around me this weekend. Yours is groovy.

  6. So pretty, the little berries are especially darling. Great color pallet you had to work with as well. Happy Mandala Making!

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