Hello Kitty, Hello Normality

I crocheted this cat after a Hello Kitty picture, and I think she turned out really nice. Hello Kitty is something I’ve been enjoying for a long time, since I was a kid. I think she was born the same year as I was, and she is coming back now as my generation is becoming parents… Or maybe this is the time when it is becoming allowed to be a grown up and collect toys without shame or ridicule? I hope so, because I think everyone will benefit from being freer and doing what ever we like, without the norm of normality to follow.

Hello Kitty, a crocheted amigurumi by iHanna

I try to always do what feels right for me, right now, and not follow what I know people think I should do or say. It is difficult, because expectations wants to rule your world, and it is easy to just do what you know people expect of you. Be nice, smile, say thank you, clean the table after dinner (because you are a girl, and the men sits back to talk), and agree with what your teacher tells you… and so on. Get a proper job, earn money, get in the line… :-)

What do you want to do today?

Hello Kitty and friends

3 amigos
Three Amigos.

Mole siblings

Two moles. This photo is from last week, when Molly (big one) was saying good bye to her little brother Mullis who a friend of mine has bought. Mullis has moved in with a lot of other softies now, teddy bears manly, because she, though she is a grown up, collects softies. My mom has a teddy bear collection too, and I really like that. I think that collecting things might be a way to express your creative spirit too. Putting similar items together, composing a beautiful collection. Diverse but still harmonious.

A while back the Studio Friday theme was collections. I didn’t have time to write about this then, but I’ve been thinking a lot about it. I think I don’t consider myself a collector (yet, though owls are on my list of perhaps), but my boyfriend might think otherwise. I have huge collections of items I use, and they grow each week. My book collection is bigger than most people’s book shelves that I know of. But I’m not a collector of them. I try to give some away, sell some and share my wealth of great books. But the collection still grows since I love to read.

My art material stash I shall not mention today.

Other things that I have lots and lots of are interior design magazines and coffee mugs. Everything else will be known when the time is right.

Have a great week!

PS in Swedish: jag är en kreativ kulspruta tycker min kompis Anna som är en sån där som samlar på leksaker, my little ponnys! det tycker jag är underbart roligt, vi kallar dem majlisar! jag känner mig hedrad över att bli omnämnd så där.

10 Responses

  1. Kitty var j?ttes?t, du ?r s? duktig. :) Jag tycker ocks? att man ska k?nna sj?lv vad man vill g?ra och vem man vill vara, men jag vet, det ?r inte l?tt. Jag jobbar fortfarande p? det. Men jag vet vad jag vill g?ra idag: julpyssla. :) Nu ska jag kika in hos din kompis en sv?ng ocks?. Ha en trevlig m?ndag!

  2. YAY for HELLO KITTY! She was born in 1975 in England (not in Japan as is commonly thought.) I have been a fan ever since. I’m going to do a post soon about how I became a fan and I’ll let you know so you can check. It involves a police station. I have the toaster that toasts HK’s face into every slice of bread. Last week, husband came home with the Hello Kitty popcorn maker from Target (www.target.com.)
    I had a HK rice cooker but it finally broke. I wanted to use it for plants but husband threw it away.

  3. Du lyckades verkligen med din virkade Hello Kitty!

    Och tack f?r det d?r om vuxna och leksaker och normer och f?rv?ntningar. Det ?r typ vad jag pluggar lite just nu k?nns det som, och det du skrev var befriande att l?sa :)

  4. she did turn out great! yes, I too grew up with hello kitty-
    i just saw you mentioned my knitty girl!
    thanks! i didn’t know you were in the calendar- i may have to get one-
    as usual, so many fun things to look at here-

  5. I too have large amounts of books, coffee mugs and art supplies, and just a lot of magazines in general. The books I refuse to get rid of, so I’m now at almost 1300 (and only in the 10 years since I graduated college), but the other things I pare down once in a while. The magazines I’m going through right now.

  6. Great kitty! and I really like the moles too. Ok, and the bunnies :)
    I’m 28 and I’ve always collected toys.. for a while I tried to hide it and say they were for kids who come visit my house but eventually I had to admit that there aren’t that many kids visiting here :)

    I also hate dirty dishes..

  7. I do not speak English but I wanted to ask to you if you sell yours crochets?
    the six best one!

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