Hello Kitty, hello thrifty book finds Today I’m sharing my latest thrift haul (whereas my previous blog post was about a thrift haul from last year and… Categories Read a book/Thrift & Recycle
How to start your own En Masse Glue Book I have found a super fun glue book project (En masse Glue Book) that is just too good to keep to… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Video | Summer in my Art Journal Summer journaling is no different than any other kind of journaling you do, except, it happens in summer. In my case,… Categories Art journaling
Summer Crush: Hello Kitty – my old friend The summer journal that I made for myself is going strong. My ambition was to work in it every day, but… Categories Art journaling
Journal with me: Using Scrap die-cuts (finally) It is finally time to start using the Scrap Die-cut images whose origin and uses I talk about in my blog… Categories Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks
Becoming a Barbie Doll Collector This is the story of how I became a barbie doll collector (and a collector of all things childhood and toys)…… Categories Home Comforts
Thrift Store Haul: Mexican Lotteria Cards & kids activity books Thrift is poetic because it is creative; waste is unpoetic because it is waste.G.K. Chesterton It’s been a long time since… Categories Inspiration/Thrift & Recycle
Christmas Journaling in a Traveler’s Notebook I’m filling my December Daily / Christmas journal with stickers, photos and journaling. Here’s an update on what’s on the first… Categories Art journaling/Journaling & Notebooks
Inspiration in Envelopes One of my dear blog fans, Jenny, sent me a care package filled with lovely paper and craft stuff. You know… Categories Creative People/Mail bliss
Dear Photo Diary | a Yellow bird in the window We seem to be going through a period of nostalgia, and everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I… Categories Photography
Checkered Wrist Warmers Truth be told I knit these with yarn from my stash, but the colour combination could’ve been inspired by this book… Categories Crafts
Computer time My names day is early each year. Today I got a parcel from mom who has been in Thailand, a belated… Categories Inspiration