How to become Extremely Creative in 2 simple steps

How to become more Creative in your everyday life.
A while back I got an e-mail from a woman called Amber. It was about creativity and this is what she wrote to me:Email Subject – Creativity
Hello, I think that you are a great inspiration. When i was younger i used to be so creative, and now not so much. I would like to be creative like you. So would it be possible for you to write a guide to be extremely creative, please. Thank you for taking the time to read this. You’re my inspiration.
Today I’m going through my stuffed in box and finally took the time to send her my answer. And as I did I thought you too might need that guide. So I’m sharing it on my blog, hoping it might help you as well as Amber….
Re: Creativity
Dear Amber,
Thanks for signing up to my mailing list and letting me know that you appreciate my blog, it means a lot to me that you took the time to write me. Here is the guide to becoming more creative, and if you follow it for a year or so, I feel confident to say you will feel extremely creative, in the end. Wishing you all the best!
Step 1. Do something creative today
Do something creative today. Right now! Just something small, like a doodle on a piece of paper or write down a quick poem about your day. No need to think big or plan your masterpiece, just do something that you enjoyed before and might enjoy finding your way back to again. Do you feel the energy of creative curiosity in your body?
Step 2. Do something creative tomorrow
Do something creative tomorrow. Just something, anything. Experiment, play, fiddle around with materials. Maybe you?ll find a notebook and fill one blank page with colours or a collage, or go through some materials that you already own and see what feels interesting?
Then continue like that and you?ll be amazed how creative you?ll be in a just a few weeks!
Good luck and let me know how it goes! Wishing you a beautiful month of August!
Kind regards
PS: This might sound too simplified to you, but to become Extremely Creative, this is the way. As always it’s one step at a time. One day at a time. No quick fix, just daily action. Collect inspiration, but then act upon it. Do something that is your own – and savor the time you got on earth.
Brilliant and true advice, Hanna ! I hope life is treating you sweetly today !
Thanks Kim, life is treating me sweaty this summer, OMG. You can’t believe this is Sweden!
Wonderful, thank you very much, dear hanna. How good to be reassured that we dont’t have to be leonardo da vincis but ourselves.
Regula, haha, no you don’t need to be Leonardo Da Vinci, but I feel pretty sure he was creative everyday, or how would he else had time to create all he did? :-)
Perfect advice!
Thanks my friend, and true, yes ain’t it?
*bigsmile* You just confirmed what I am doing in my filofax planner at the moment. Just tiny little tidbits, but it is bringing me back…Thank you for sharing! – Irma
Irma, yes I do hope that those creative things you’re putting into your planner will bring you toward more creativity. All the best!
Wonderful advice! I heartily agree!
Great advice, Hanna! I think you hit the nail on the head, as they say. Now to follow it always myself…
Dear Hanna; Don’t you find that we spend so much time thinking about how we haven’t done things, that we don’t have time to do them? I mean, I will put off cleaning the bathroom and it will hang over my head and seem like it is going to take forever and then the guilt will set in and blah blah blah. And then, when I do it, it takes a few minutes. Or even a few hours. But not nearly as much time as it took THINKING about doing it!
Creativity is kind of like that. Those of us who don’t have it pouring out of our fingertips do all this thinking, planning, worrying, regretting, comparing, blah blah blah, when actually, all we have to do is pick up a ball point pen and a piece of post it note stickie and draw a house on it. voila! And the dark clouds are lifted!
Thank you for stating the practice in a simple way, because that is exactly what it is.
So simple and so true!