World Collage Day is in May

World Collage Day – An International Celebration of Collage.
World Collage Day is the first Sunday of May - an international celebration of collage, my favorite art form! #collage #studioihanna

Hello world!

I’ve been busy with the DIY Postcard Swap these past days (all address lists sent out, see further down for details), but late Saturday on dad’s birthday (9th of May) I discovered on instagram there is something called World Collage Day – and I had to investigate a bit further.

I kept scrolling through the hashtag (#worldcollageday) and discovered a lot of wonderful collages there, even though most of them are not “my style” but rather carefully cut out people and things that makes new scenes (I’ve done collage like that too, but it’s not my thing really). When I googled “world collage day” I discovered more fun facts…

World Collage Day is the second Sunday in May

In 2018, a site called Kolaj Magazine initiated a special day for collage, calling it World Collage Day. They’re hoping to grow it into an international celebration of collage – the Second Saturday of May each year. They write:

We invited artists and art venues to hold events on that day to celebrate collage. We saw fifty events in twenty-five countries and thousands of posts on social media using the hashtag, #worldcollageday. The following year, the event continued to grow. The next World Collage Day is May 9th, 2021.

World Collage Day poster by Emma Anna #worldcollageday
Official World Collage Day Poster / The Empress by Emma Anna

I’ve already added the day into my own google calendar (the second Sunday is still the 9th next year because this year is leap year), with a reminder, so I can do something collagy on that day next year to celebrate. Maybe we could do an event here on the blog or create something together? I hadn’t heard of this before, but it’s not too strange since this is just the third year of it ever occurring. Darn that I missed it, but also… It reminded me of how much I love collage. And I miss it.

A few of iHannas collages from 365 collages 2018
A few of the 365 collages I created in 2018.

In 2018 though, I was celebrating collage big time. I made 365 collages that year, and after a year like that it backfires a bit and I need a break. But that break is definitely over now. I’m adding collage bits into all my current journals, now I just need to make some more art-works as well, to get me going. I am thinking I need to get back to making a few new ones soon. But then, it’s so many things I want to do all the time…

I have been a collage artist a long time now. These Art Collages made by iHanna, in 2014 or thereabout. #collage
A few even older collages, these were done by me in 2014 or so.

It’s too late to wish you a happy World Collage Day, but I’m wondering did you know? Did you celebrate it in some way? And most important question: Why didn’t anyone tell me about it? LOL.

Sign up for my Newsletter and I’ll let you know what I come up with next year.

Anyway, for my swappers who might not have gotten their list yet: All address lists have been sent out via e-mail, to the e-mail you specified when signing up. If you can not find the list, titled Your 10 addresses in your inbox or your spam folder, it might be lost in the big, vastness of the internet. It could be that the server that is hosting your e-mails think that my domain is all about spam, and they’re deleting it before you even see it on your end. This is so annoying because I do not get any notifications if this happens, and neither do you. You can e-mail them and ask them to white list my domain, or a bit easier, send me an e-mail (it’s on your paypal receipt and all my newsletters) from another e-mail address of yours or someone you know, and see if I can send the list to that address. Then add my address into your own address book and try to send me an e-mail from you, it might help. Just know that I did send you your e-mail, I try my very best to resend e-mails when it bounces back etcetera. Sorry if it’s a rant, but it’s beyond me why e-mail is so hard sometimes. :-) xo

2 Responses

  1. I hadn’t heard of World Collage Day, either. I rarely collage, but it might be fun to specifically do one once a year to celebrate!

    • Oh collage is so much fun, you need to do it more often than once a year…. I do collage in my art journal of random pieces of magazine images I like. It’s just for fun and sooo good for the soul.