

I love the fall season. The colours, the change, the photo opportunities that are everywhere…

Leafs in autumn

I love that my smart phone has a camera, and that that camera is always with me.

Walking in autumn

I love that I can take photos even when I haven’t planned to do so. When I don’t really have the time. When I’m walking to the office, or walking just to move my body.

Tree decorations 2013

I love that I can upload photos directly and share them on Instagram, or my blog. Share them with people who appreciate such things. And I love the square photo format – until death do us part.

What do you love?

11 Responses

  1. Great fall pictures! I feel the same way about my phone and/or camera since I do carry both around a lot. The cell is so nice though for my IG, love this way of showing my pictures.
    Fall is my favorite and I just took tons of pictures in my yard yesterday showing the bits of fall finally coming, YAY!! I saw lots of RED and loving the browns of the pretty colorful things that were growing too.
    I like your squares!

  2. Autumn is my favorite time of year . . . I believe mostly because of the colors. They are beautiful. I used to be in the habit of just taking photo walks . . . your photos has inspired me to maybe get back into that habit.

    • Clare, if I inspire you to take a photo walk that makes me happy. Isn’t photo walks SO much more fun than regular walks (for exercise)? I like when you can combine great things into one sweet activity. :-)

  3. Hey Hanna! Love these pics too! Beautiful! This is my favorite time of year!
    Quick question….are you hosting/organizing a postcard swap anytime soon? I loved doing these in the past….thanks!

  4. Love your photos- looks a lot like that where I am. I saw a tree tonight – a maple with every hue of yellow, orange, red need to go back and get a photo!!! There is so much change every day from the overnight it is amazing.

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