Dear Photo Diary | Creative Snaps

Crocheting Spring

Spring colors are singing inside of me. So I am gathering them up around me too. I’ve decorated white envelopes but have yet to make Easter cards, not sure there will be time to send any out at all.

Painting envelopes

Outgoing mail
Some mail have already been sent, and that feels good.

Printable tags
I have cut out a few of these pretty, printable watercolour tags from Tangled Pen. I am still trying to figure out what I want to use them for. Writing small holiday messages is one idea, because Easter is coming up next week already. Previous Easter Ideas here.

Listening to Tranquility du Jour podcast
Spring walks 2014
Bowl of floss

I love the idea of documenting walks with the iphone, so I am trying to remember that. And to also use the Big Girl Camera from time to time. But the iphone sure is handy to have when you fall into Creative Snap Mood. Photographing creatively and documenting creativity always cheers me up, and fills me with new ideas. It’s a mood changer for me.

I am thinking that my photo post series called Creative Snapshots is going to be called Dear Photo Diary from now on.

What you think?

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