Dear Photo Diary | Summer Reading & Groot

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry Ford

Dear Photo Diary

I am not taking as many photos with my big girl camera anymore, because of phone. It feels sad looking back, so sometimes I pull myself together and take some high res photos for the future.

Groot pot - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

First, here’s Groot, a planter I bought online. He is so cute with his new green hair-do. Then, some more flowers…

Flowers on flowers - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

Pink and green flowers from my boyfriend, on a wonderful green and pink table cloth I bought at a flea market several years ago. I think this is the first time I took it out and used it. I think it will be one of my favorites for a long time from now on.

At Taxinge Slott - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

Roof view of a place where we went for coffee, music and yummy cakes. The pink Geranium is also from that place, Taxinge slott.

Rosa pelargon / Pink Geranium - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

Dinner at home, sometimes look like this:

Dinner at home - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

This dish is called Ramen (/ˈrɑːmən/ – 拉麺 – ラーメン) that my boyfriend likes to make. It consists mostly of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a meat broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses different toppings from boiled eggs to vegetables. It is super yummy.

Yarn from the stash - Photo by Studio iHanna / Hanna Andersson, Sweden (copyright)

Also on my table, yummy yarn. I was knitting a bit in June, but now I need to store it away again.

I don’t know why I find it soooo easy to take things out and spread out my materials, but so very hard to clean the table again.

Also, summer is for reading. I’ve been visiting the library and picking up piles of books, and also downloaded one of those audio book apps. I love listening to audio books while I’m making collages.

Finished pile of reading

I’ve already finished these, and recommend you to check all of them out.

Summer reading

  • The Ballroom is a sad romance novel from 1911, when a woman ends up in an Asylum after breaking a window at work.
  • Stephen King’s Sleeping Beauties is a strange and modern tale about a sleeping desice that only afflicts women.
  • The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman, my new favorite author. It’s so unexpected and lovely, you’ve gotta check this series out. This is a prequel to another novel, so you can start here.

Also, here are some cookies, on a cute cat plate:

Be a cookie

And that is all. A few random photos from my folders / life / big camera.

Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. And remember, if you ever feel like you don’t know anything:

Every Artist was first an amateur #quote at iHanna's Blog

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2 Responses

  1. “Groot” is so cute! I am thinking about bringing plants INTO the home instead of outside on the balcony alone… ever since I moved I feel like ‘decorating’ all the time… however, it’s way to hot here to do anything – do you have high/tropical temperatures too? I read Karl Ove Knausgard (first three books of the “min kamp” series) but now that it is Summer I pospone reading the rest for cooler days, those are not books to read in hot weather… I enjoyed the photos Hanna! Enjoy your days!

  2. Your Groot planter is so adorable!! Love his new hairdo!! And the ramen looks delicious! We love Japanese ramen, but now I’ll have to look for and try the Chinese variant, as well!
    Thanks for the glimpse into your summertime!

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