The Pink Fabric Bead Workshop

Cutting fabric

Green nail polish and super quick, that is my friend Madde. It’s her swift hands you see on the photos above. I don’t know anybody who crafts with such fury! Today she wrote a post about the pink workshop I held when we were in Gotland last week.. I think the word is spreading all over the globe that I like pink! Because I was asked to do something fun, anything, as long as it would involve the colour pink. Yay!

Rolling beads

Since not everyone likes pink as much as I do (I know, crazy huh?) I decided to make something small. Fabric beads! I love making these beads, and it’s easy to learn and fun to try in other colours and materials later. I even made a tutorial on how to make fabric beads once, if you’re interested to try it on your own.

Fabric Bead workshop with iHanna

Lately I’ve been having a lot of experiences of being a guide or a teacher. Showing new things to crafty peeps like at this workshop, or introducing crafts to not-so-crafty friends. Seeing how much they enjoy making things is such a huge thrill! I love teaching and inspiring!

I was surprised how fast everyone got caught in the flow of creating and that they wanted to continue to make beads for several hours. We used glitter thread, pearlescent (pink) paint and glitter glue to decorate the pink fabric once it was rolled up.

Gluing them together

My own bead teacher is called Janice Mae, and she posts a lot of great and easy to follow video tutorials about paper bead making! Her videos show different kinds of paper beads being made: round, wavy, oblong, how to use them in jewelry making – all in a ton of different materials. Love how easy she makes it look!

Oh, and Madde’s post is called Tygpärlor – check it out.

1 Response

  1. “with fury” you say….well, when something is fun and inspirational, I get excited, and I work fast (always has). It’s easy to focus for me :-) I’d have a workshop with you anyday Hanna.

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