Art Journal Style: Cuteness Overload

Smart Journal #1 Smiling kitty

I like a lot of different styles of art journaling; wild and free, artsy, painted, colourful collage, doodle, total messiness etcetera etcetera. And on top of all those experiments I also have a thing for cuteness…

I don’t know how, but toy shop wrapping paper always appeal to me a lot more than somber grown up stuff. And I can’t help to still love die cut images, cute smiling kittens, children’s book illustrations and baby owls… And you know what I have to say about that?

Let’s indulge!

Smart Journal #1 Tummelisa & the toads

The small and square format of Smart Journal volume 2 is cute in itself. And it fits perfectly to simply put a cute image on a pretty scrapbooky background. Simple, and sweet.

Smart Journal #1 Eye see

And with all the lightness of these background papers (the actual pages) they are also perfect for journaling. I love writing on top of them! Sometimes I write about daily life, or silly thoughts – or sometimes a cute image spark something and that inspires me to write.

Smart Journal #1 It's Bosse

Kittens and sleeping cats goes straight to my heart. Every time. Every time. If there is not great spot for journaling you can always use a label. I prefer cute ones!

Smart Journal #1 Green Owl

Owls always find their way into my art journal, the green one is a crayon rubbing made from the book cover of an owl journal!

Smart Journal #1 Cat tag
This stamped and embossed cat tag was taped to a gift I once got. It needed to go on a page of its own, and is only embellished when you turn the vellum page to reveal the next page:

Smart Journal #1 Vellum & owl love
Featuring a baby owl illustration, that is simply adorably cute!

Yes, it’s cuteness overload today. But don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Do you indulge in cuteness too – or do your flee it?

11 Responses

  1. definitely sweet but such indulgences are good once in awhile ! Especially in pink Hanna world !
    Have a great weekend, Lovely One !

  2. I like your journals a lot — but I flee cuteness. However, nice to know you like it — I will have to keep an eye out for things to send to you. I love your hand-writing.

  3. Hanna…great journal pages!!! I love the cuteness factor! Can’t have too many cute dogs or cats :)

  4. Thank you for the comment on my blog!
    I love these pages, I’m definitely a fan of cuteness and pink!
    I’m also currently working in a square journal as well and I really like it.

  5. your journals are beautiful! Cuteness is necessary if it’s a part of you, as honest journaling is what matters! I do cuteness when I add my pup, Ellie, in! She’s my best little friend. Your kitten pic is soooooo sweet!!!

  6. I used to flee from cute, but lately I have been embracing it. Helped along by my daughter who has a keen love for cute! I love the idea of a journal of cute.

    Just finished reading Just Kids. I found it fascinating, thanks for recommending it.

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