Build a rainbow

Want to build a huge beautiful rainbow? This is my advice: pick just one colour and start there. If you try to start with all of the colours you end up with what is known as brain overload. The millions of colours the eye can see might overwhelm you… It’s like when you’re starting in a new notebook or journal. You want it to be full Now and at once! You long for the day when it looks bulky and overspilling with colours (like someone’s beautiful art journal that you saw online or in a class). Put that out of your mind. Because when you focus on the future you can’t be in the now, and that’s where you need to be to start something. Anything. And if you don’t start with one page at a time you will never get to the full journal you admire. Just start with one page, one colour, one idea. And one evening where you don’t turn on the TV. Why not tonight?

I started building a rainbow with pink, because I love pink and it’s my favorite colour.

The right page is coloured with lots of warm pinkish water soluble crayons. I was trying out a new brush, the kind that you fill with water. I like how this page turned out, and want to experiment some more with the brush. The right page with a blue bird (for happiness) is a several years old watercolour painting that I sewed into this journal when I bound it. Maybe I will end up writing something there too.

Tammy of Daisy Yellow is building a rainbow starting today with red and pink. And I am the Hostess of Pink (What a great title, huh?) – so I hope you will be inspired to make a pink page and start building your own rainbow.

I’ve been trying to figure out what time 6 am EST is in Sweden and I think now is the correct time to post this… New York is UTC-5 hours and Stockholm is according to the calculations of the World Clock.

Follow the rainbow

Visit Daisy Yellow to get more inspiration, meet the Hostess of red and the rest of the gang in the upcoming days.

Happy first of December!

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10 Responses

  1. Well let me tell you, that is a PINK page!! good advice you give to. I love your big, blue bird!

  2. hi hanna……great advice, its good to go back to the basics to get started sometimes. your pages always look so effortless, i think pretty just flows from your fingers to the page.

  3. I always have trouble with the timezones and figuring out the time ‘overthere’… luckely I don’t have that with you… so good afternoon dear!!! I love your pink journal page ánd the idea of building a rainbow. I do wish I had the time, but I’m building my own rainbows nowadays… no time to play along, sorry. I wish you a colourful and bright weekend! Go pink! YEAY!

  4. Hanna, thanks for dropping in on the blog. We always hope for a white Christmas here. You never know what you will get in Missouri. It can snow anytime from November through March. This is my first year living here, but my husband was here last year. Every year is different. At least one can hope.

    I love your idea of picking just one color. Mine would have to be purple or green.

  5. Hanna, you are the hostess with the mostest (as we say of a good hostess). I can’t think of a better introduction to the color pink than a splash of pinky pink in your fun journal. Your work is always fresh + fun!

  6. Many thanks to you, Hostess of Pink! :-) Thanks for the look at your journal spread, as well as the good advice to focus, start now, and keep ourselves in the moment instead of worrying about getting that fabulous, fat journal NOW! It’s a good lesson in patience, diligence and, of course, art-making fun.

  7. Such a lovely post… pink makes me happy!
    Great inspiring advice for art journaling, thank you for sharing.