Two amigurumi friends in one photosetting

I’ve been spending a lot of time at flickr this weekend, sorting my photos in folders, looking at photos in different photo pools and trying to find all the home made stuff that I haven’t blogged about yet!

When I’ve finished something creative I try to take good pictures of it, in good light, and then upload and write about the items I’ve created! But the time, oh the time! Where does it go? Sometimes new projects come in the way, and I forget (or push aside) things that I want to blog about. How do you prioritise your blogging time? Do you feel that it sometimes comes in the way of your creativity? I do, sometimes.

Anywas, here are two pink amigurumi softies that I crocheted this summer. They are among the cutest things I’ve made I think, and I really like the photos too. The photosetting was so fun!

This is the pink dog called Pinkerton.

And a pink teddy bear, friend of Pinkerton of course. I don’t know if he has a name yet though.

And the two of them together, pink as can be.

Today it has not been raining all day, peppar peppar ta i tr?, even though it was raining this morning. Smilla, me and Maria went out for a lovely walk, took photos of the autumn colours, wet leafs (wich reminds me that I need to put the leafs I picked in a book to press them), some peeks of the sun and a dirty stream. But now I need to close the balcony door, it’s getting chilly at night and my feets are cold.

10 Responses

  1. J?ttegulliga! Och underbara bilder, s?rskilt den i blommorna.
    Var k?per du ?gonen? Skulle vilja ha s?na, de ger varelserna liv p? ett helt annat s?tt ?n broderi (som ?r jobbigt i virkat) eller p?rlor.

    Det som mest kommer i v?gen f?r mitt skapande (f?rutom studierna) ?r att l?sa andras bloggar (och f? ?nnu fler id?er som man aldrig hinner genomf?ra…). Man kan ju l?gga ambitionsniv?n lite l?gre n?r man bloggar om pysslet, typ en titel, foto och tre rader (mer som dokumentation). Fast jag ?lskar att l?sa dina ber?ttelser, s? sn?lla forts?tt.

  2. Gorgeous little critters, made all the more delightful because they are pink! I luuuurv pink – anything pink is just right in my mind.

    I wish you could send some of your rain over here. We’re experiencing the worst drought in 100 years where I live, and we have very strict water restrictions. So tell those clouds to swing over to the southern hemisphere.

    Happy days!

  3. Men vilka s?tgrisar!!! Eller ja, jag ser ju att de ?r tv? s?ta nallar s?klart. :) H?rligt med rosa ocks?! Ang bloggandet, ja, jag fastnar g?rna framf?r datorn d? det finns s? m?nga inspirerande och roliga sidor h?r ute. Sedan s? ?r jag som mest kreativ p? natten och d? jag bor i l?genhet ?r det sv?rt att skapa utan att f?ra en massa v?sen. *ler* Som svar p? fr?gan: bloggandet tar faktiskt en hel del tid fr?n mitt skapande, ? andra sidan f?r jag ju tillbaka massor av inspiration som jag kan anv?nda och jag f?r helt enkelt vara lite mer effektiv d? jag sitter och pysslar.

  4. Dina amigurumis ?r alldeles alldeles… underbara!
    En kompis till mig letar kamera och jag skulle g?rna tipsa om din! Jag gillar ljuset och sk?rpan som du har i dina bilder. Otroligt fina bilder du tar. Vad ?r det f?r kamera du har?

  5. ??????? s? fine de er; du er knallflink :-) Har du forresten sendt noe mail ang. Rudolf?? ( overivrig :-) )

  6. Thanks for your comments everyone!

    Linda V: du har inte l?mnat n?gon epostadress, men min kamera heter Nikon d50 och jag gillar den verkligen och rekommenderar den g?rna. Fler foton tagna med samma kamera hittas p? Nikon d50 pool p? flickr!

  7. Tack! Ett tips som passar mer f?r mig kanske, f?r min kompis ?r ute efter en kompaktkamera! (Men jag vill s? sm?ningom ha en system…)

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